Chapter 22

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Alexandra POV

Im home with Maria while Niall is out with Alice he taking her to go see her grandma from the day and he gonna pick her up later tonight.

"Mommy whats your favorite movie?"


"Can we watch it?"

"Sure thing babe, ill toke it up okay?"

"OKAY!!! I get the soda's."

I nodded and a 20 minutes into the movie this part came on >>> On the side.

"Mommy can you do that?" She ask.

"Well yes i can, do you remember im dance?"

"Ohh yea!! Can you teach me that?"

"Sure thing.."

"Come here"


"First you start move your hips, bigger, bigger..."

"There you go"

"Get the washer machine going, there you go, move your hips make a little circle.. Go job Mija!"

"That was fun!!!"

"Wow good jobs ladies" I hear Niall say.

"Did you see us? We were good huh?"

"Yes i love it. Good job babe, What are you watching?" He ask.

"Selena, wanna watch it with us?" I ask i already know he doesn't like this movie but i do But he really never seen it before.

"Uhm..... yeah sure" He said putting his stuff down, i hand him a beer. He cuddled into me and we watch it... (Some of it is not the part, well one of my favorite songs<3)

We was at that part and Niall look like he was enjoying it, i was singing along because i know these songs by heart, and she was even though she is die she is still my idol, she so beautiful! I swear to god she is, Wish she was still alive. R.I.P. Selena.

These song was one, and Maria is like trying to dance like her of what she doing and Niall hand his hand on my stomach just rubbing it and he kissed it a couple of times, and we are having family time before we go to New York tomorrow morning.

"Mommy can you teach me how to dance? I want to dance just like you!"

"Of course babe not now okay, we i get back?"


I smile, and so did Niall.

"You wanna be like mummy?"

"Yes i do!" She laughed and started to dance again

"This is actually a good movie.."

"Yep. Told you"

"Sorry... i didn't listen or watch it before"

"Its cool"

Soon enough the movie was coming to a end, and i would feel my tears falling down, it gets me every fucking time i watch it. (If you seen it, you know what im talking about!)

"Mom whats wrong?"


Maria looked at me funny and turn her head back to the tv and more tears started to fall. Omg this is the hardest i ever cry... because maybe im pregnant and when your pregnant you cry when you watch such cute, sad, and etc movies?

"Why are you crying love?"

I hear someone at the door to see Angie and Zayn.

"OH I SEE" She says then runs to the couch and watches it.

Niall look really confuse. "Whats wrong babe?"

"Shhhhhh!" Angie shhhed him.

He pulled him into his lap and he was holding me, then the last part came on and when someone drop the rose, then bam! Everything went so burly Niall rubbed my back and i was just crying and crying and crying, i love her so much why did she die? D:

It was all over and Niall was a little teary eye, Maria really didn't understand Zayn just sat there with Angie letting her cry on him.

I than got up and went to my room.

Niall POV

What is wrong with Alexandra? She never cried this hard, or long for someone ... what? i dont get it.!

When it ended i understand why she was crying, first she was pregnant, and she really loved this person.. she was beautiful, funny, sweet, caring person that everyone love, she was Mexican-American female, same as Alexandra so maybe she felt some what a connection to her, they are both bright people, i dont know or why but she remember me of Alexandra in a way.......?

When she got up and left i felt really bad, what am i suppose to do? Go after her and make sure she okay? Or give her time to get her self together. Hmmmmmm. I was down here for a couple of minutes while she ran up to our room.

"I love that movie, but hate the ending... always made us cry.." Angie spoke breaking the quietness. We talked for a bit for at least a hour of talking about New York and what not. Maria was off for the last two days of school and tomorrow she has to go back she had a five day weekend, on Monday was a holiday and today was a meeting for the teachers.

They said that they can get Alice, and Maria right now and we come by tomorrow morning to say good bye and everything, they would be awake, ill plane takes off at 7, and there school starts at 7:30 so yeah.. They said goodbyes and see ya tomorrow.

I nodded and ran my way up stairs, its already 5 in the afternoon... I knock on the door and no one answer.

I open the door to find Alexandra on the bed with headphones in her ears and asleep. I went to her and toke out the head phones so nothing would happen to her as she sleep. The song was 'Suga suga " Never heard this song before.. I put on head phone in her ear, and one in mine, imma listen to her music, she listens to good music, all type of music.

Soon enough i fall asleep listing to My Boo by usher.


I woke up around 5, the music is still playing.. Alexandra is in my arms and i smile and kissed her, I pack and she did to we was all ready all we got to do is you know get up and get ready for the plane.

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