Chapter 5

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Zayn Pov

As i walked up to Angie Hotel room, I saw Alexandra, Maria, Niall walking out of their room. I stop to say hello to them. Maria was on Alexandra phone, playing music and playing a game i suppose. The song got stick in my head! It was a good song, but so girly! I cant be singing that lol!


! no one can hold me back,

i aint got time for that

Catch my breath

wont let them get me down 

"Hello mates!"

" Heey!" they said

" Ohai, tio Zayn" Maria said looking up for the phone.

"Where are yall headed to..?"

"Breakfast!" Niall said with a smile on his face.

"Aww, have fun mates!" 

"Where are you headed this way for?" Alex said.

"Well....I was planning on taking Angie to get some breakfast, then going scooping driving then planning going to the beach with everyone, if yall want to!" i said to them.

"Yeah sure, just call when you ready! & we will get ready and head down there."  

" Alright, ill text ya them! See ya!"  With that they nod, and walked off, i knock on Angie door, and asked her if she wanted to go to breakfast with me.


" Zayn, that was really nice of you to take me off for breakfast, that was really sweet, thank you. Even if its only 11:30 i dont get up until now or 12, but thank you! maybe we should go out to lunch next time?" she said with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Your so welcome! & Ahaha okay, next time ill know. I Had a lot fun with everyone last night, especially with you in your room, on your bed, under the covers;)" 

"Zayn stop be so sexual, we only cuddle, and watch a movie.!" She said with these giggles.

" Ha yeah i know, so you wanna get out of this place and go back to your falt or my falt?" 

"Uhm lets go to my  hotel room, and tell everyone we should go to the beach, but you need to get ready also." 


As i was i driving to Angies hotel room, Angie turn on the radio, the song was pretty cool to jam to, it was P!nk. I think it called 'Try' Angie was singing it, but she had the windows down music was loud, she was jammin ;D The wind was her in face and her hair she stuck her arm out of the window and starting going with the wind, she was letting the wind flow into her arm ( where you put your arm out of the car window and your going kinda fast and you arm is like doing the wave? yeah like that.) 

About 15 minutes later, we got out of the car, and walked to her hotel room, and Alexandra door was open, i heard yelling and screaming and i though ' uh oh, thats not good.' things was going great, between them, they cant be fighting already! I saw Maria on the little table, coloring, so i walked in. 

" Hey munchin!, wheres mommy & daddy?"

"Mommy went out dadda in his room sumone else den mama."


"Oh second, babe, go with Angie, okay."

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