Chapter 29

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Niall POV

So we are at the hospital, she is 7 cm dialed, she almost going to be pushing soon. I went home and grab the baby bag and everything we need here. Im sooo excited! Ah i cant wait. Imma be a dad again. Everyone said they are gonna come when they have some sleep, like some of her family, my family is on the way here, the boys and their girl friends are here in the room, everyone is excited like me!

So some hours went by and i never want to see my baby girl in this kind of pain ever again, I hate seeing her like this. I want to take all the pain away. Im holding her hand and Angie is recording it like she did with Maria. I kiss Alexandra hand, her eyes are shut you can tell she in a lot of pain, my poor baby.

Then it was time to start to push, so I stay of course and so did Yesenia, Angie didn't really want to see that because you know she pregnant and didn't want to be seeing that kind of stuff and when she going to be doing that in a couple of months so Yesenia took over and record it while i watch and hold my baby's hand and to cut the cord. The baby head is coming his way out. Like i can see the hair! So It was time, we all got ready to push, she doing it natural, what a strong girl. She had her legs up to her chin to help her push.

"So dad your gonna cut the cord right?" Our doctor ask.

"Yes sir"

"Good.. alright ready?" He said to Alexandra and she nodded.

"Okay... we are going to count up to 3 and you push"


"1....... 2............ 3.... Push" The doctor said Alexandra push. I dont know how she can do this, it looks to painful. Just owwww ! And its our second time, her second time doing this. Just ow. "Were never having sex again!"Alex says so only i can hear her. i just laugh at that an kiss her forhead. We kept doing it or a while and havent 10 minutes the baby was out!

James Niall Horan is out !  I cut the cord which was a lot of blood gross. But it was beautiful. He stop crying when he was on his momma stomach and he open his eyes, beautiful, he has green-blue eyes with yellow and orange in his eyes, mine and Alexandra eyes together. Wow . Im sooo happy i cant believe im a dad again!

I kiss Alexandra on the head, i had tears falling out of my eyes it was just sooo beautiful watching my child being born. Just oh my god, our child is beautiful. The cry was just music to my ears. "Happy Birthday beautiful boy" The doctors said to him as we came out.

The doctor lay the baby on Alexandra stomach so we can see him, while they clean him off,than the other nurse took him, and i went with her and did the things like the weight, height and finger prints and foot prints and put the hospital thingy on him like Alexandra and I have on and everything else. While Alexandra got the stuff she needs to get back up.. I wouldn't stop crying, tears of joy of course, the tears were just coming, i couldn't help it. But than we went back to where Alexandra was, She looks so tired. We took a bunch of pictures to.

James Niall Horan born on November 05, 20__ at 9:06 in the morning. 5 pounds, 18 inches, 7.6 oz. Beautiful baby boy. Happy Birthday baby boy.

They wrap James in a blanket, we had our own blanket that was a soft blue and had brown in in the blanket that had little monkeys on it. Alexandra brother n law mom made it for us, it was really sweet of her! Alexandra was holding James and i was be side her. He was looking up at us he is so cute i swear! "Happy Birthday my beautiful baby boy" Alexandra says kissing him on the head. Now he gonna be a heart breaker. "Happy Birthday little man" Yesenia says.

"Wanna hold him babe?" She ask me.

"Yes." I smile. She does to.

"Let me see you phone first babe"

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