Chapter 42

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The next morning

Niall POV

So last night when Alexandra came in and i know she was tired, and pissed off... I saw her pull up and put James in and in his room and everything that she did and i ran to our room and took our a beer from our mini fridge and turn on some tv she than came in and then left again i didn't know where she went. Then she came back in and went to the walk in closet. When she was done i though i messed with her a little bit. But man i was wrong, she was not mad she was pissed off like i never seen her like that. Her eyes were red shock, she look tired she need to go to bed but she worked on her stupid paper work. No she doesn't need to do that right now. I try to talk to her but I'm kinda scared of her, she a little scary. After she did a few paper work i heard her stomach growl man she was hungry af! So she tired af, hurt, hungry, pissed off, and pregnant... yeah that's why she all mad and angry.. I got her snacks and tap her on her shoulder and gave her it and she ate it and then i left again to get what she always craves when she pregnant, or at least with my kids.... i was hoping that baby was mine, ive been trying to have another kid with her for a couple years now. Then finally she pregnant i want it to be mine! Not so pricks she just met. But then we talk and then i found out the baby was mine and i was super happy but then their was this part of me that didn't believe her, so when she fall asleep i put the box down and put all her stuff in there and turn it off, I put her under the blankets, i talk to the baby a little bit and said i hope you are mine, i put my hand on in it and it start to move and Alex groan and the baby always know who the daddy was and i got happier so the baby is mine.

Her phone went off and i wanted to see who texted her so i reach over here and took it and saw there was 41 unread messages and 33 unread kik messages. I frown at that and went threw her phone message well just with Deans.. i read all their messages and my heart was pounding loud, i saw that he text her but she didn't text him back and i laugh. She never text anyone back nowadays. I read all their condos and  at the end it made me feel a whole lot better actually knowing that the baby is mine.d

So this morning im going her breakfast in bed, and got the kids up and ready for today, I drove Maria to dance and sign her in and everything and drag along James with me, so Alexandra can sleep in, she really does need it though, she so busy, she works, she cleans, takes care of this house, she raising our kids mostly by her self when I'm on tour. Then she has her dance  class for the morning when i got home i saw Alexandra still asleep it was only 10:30 and she needs to sleep so i play with James for about a hour until i decide to make breakfast for Alexandra. I let James help me, we made French toast, and strawberry's  and some apple juice and James and I set in on the table since i know she hates having breakfast in bed, and she loves eating breakfast or just eating with a good show on or her favorite show, so we put on supernatural on for her, Than James and I ran up stairs and try to wake up my wife and his mother. She wouldn't wake up, like she wouldn't open her eyes she would just groan.

"Babe time to wake up" I said and she shook her head no, James crawl on her and she open her eyes and laugh.

"Mommy its time to get up"

"I'm up"

"Good! Me and Daddy made you breakfast"

"Daddy and I" She said, I smile at them and she gets up from the bed.

"Yeah that. And supernatural is on!" Alexandra eyes widen and smile she jump out of the bed and i pick up James and held my wife hand down stairs to the breakfast. I gave her a kiss and hug and rub my unborn baby bump, we find out if its a boy or girl today. Cannot wait. I really don't care if its a boy or girl as long its healthy that's what matters. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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