Meet and Greet...With The Jonas Brothers

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(Kevin) wait, is that why they broke up?

(Nick) no, he cheated on her...apparently more than once...but that's why she snuck bust his ass...which she apparently did

(Joe) *mad* again, where does he live?

(Nick) no clue...but I have his phone number cause B called him on my phone one time

(Joe) awesome, that's actually better gimme yer phone

*Nick hands Joe his phone*

(Joe) where is it?

(Nick) oh, I saved it under "Asshat"

(Joe) *Smirks*  nice

(Nick) what are you going to do anyway? 

(Joe) schedule a meet and greet

(Nick) not sure what you mean by that but if it involves messing with him I'm in

*Joe finds Jakes "asshat" contact*

(Joe text) Hey, its B, lost phone at party. Can we get together...and talk

(Kevin) *Looking over Joe's shoulder at the text* oh this can't be good,what are you planning? He probably won't answer it since it isn't from her phone he will know something is up

(Nick) I think you're giving him a little too much credit, he isn't that smart

*text chime goes off*

(AssHat text) wondered y u didn't answer my calls & texts, where do u want to meet?

(Joe text) someplace we can b alone...and talk

(AssHat text) sounds good

(Joe) where should I have him meet us, it has to be someplace she would suggest??

(Nick)mall parking garage

(Kevin) yea...wait WHAT? Is that where she goes when I drop her at the mall?

(Nick)not important now...were trying to mess with Jake...just say it Joe

(Joe text) mall parking garage? Txt me when you get there 2 tell me where ur parked

(AssHat text) k, when?

(Joe text) asap... I need to see you

(AssHat text) 15 mins?

(Joe text) c u then

*Joe hands back the phone to Nick*

(Nick) so, do you have a plan at all or have you not gotten that far yet?

(Joe) plan? *counts off on his fingers* Find Jake, kick his ass, grab a cheeseburger...DONE

(Kevin) *chuckles* nice plan...short and to the point, you do realize if B finds out we even contacted him she will freak out on us

(Joe) she will survive

-15 minutes later sitting in the mall parking garage-

(Nick) ya know, you have to give her credit, meeting someone here is pretty genius. Everyone is in the paps...alibi about where you are...

(Joe) so how long exactly have you known about these garage meetings...

(Nick) I just figured it out the other day but think about how many times shes had us drop her here and she comes home with nothing...we suck at being observant.

(Joe) touché she didn't have to work very hard to be sneaky...isn't someone running late for an ass beating right now?

(Kevin) so the other day when I dropped her here

(Nick) yup, she met him to talk

(Joe) it's a dark garage with no one around, I'm sure they did more than talk

(Nick) shut up man

(Kevin) seriously

(Joe) what? I'm not being mean, I'm just sayin. If I met a girl here and we could be alone with no paps I wouldn't just sit and talk. Hey that's actually kind of a good idea...remind me to thank B later..

(Nick) NO, 'cause then she will know I told you which will lead to the question WHY did I tell you which would lead to her knowing about the whole asshat ambush 

*Text chime*

(AssHat text) second floor next to elevator

(Joe) finally!

*Joe hops out of the SUV and heads for the elevator*

(Nick) wait up!

(Kevin)So what are we doing exactly...

(Joe) dunno...I'll just go with what feels right 

*Joe hits the second floor button*

Nick's Inner Monologue

I don't know what Joe thought we were going to do...I certainly couldn't fight Jake...well not fight him and WIN anyway and Kevin is more of a talker...

*Joe hops out of the elevator before the doors  even open up all the way quickly followed by Kevin, by the time Nick made it through the doors Joe had already dragged Jake out of his car and thrown him down to the garage floor and had his foot on his throat.*

(Joe) *scary calm* I see this playing out two ways....ONE we have our little chat, you leave and you NEVER fucking talk to or touch our sister again...OR two, we find out you didn't get the message and we have to make things more physical *pushing his foot harder down on Jake's throat as Jake squirms and turns red*

(Joe) personally, I would enjoy the latter more but I HIGHLY suggest you go with the first...but since I'm a nice guy , I'll let you choose...1...or...2

(Jake) *stuggling* ONE

(Joe) damn *releases Jake and Jake rolls over gasping and coughing*...nice chat Jake...don't forget what we talked about. 

*Joe and the boys walk back into the elevator and the doors close*

Chapter End Notes:

I see this playing out two ways....number ONE, you read this chapter, and leave a review...or TWO....I'm forced to get more physical (be forwarned...I bite) since I'm nice...I'll let you decide..whats it gunna be?

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