I had 24 new texts in the matter of 2 minutes. What the hell? I looked to see who they were from.

'From: Nashty To: Haylie

Hey are you guys alright?

How is everyone?

Haylie why aren't you answering me?!

I'm freaking out! Haylie answer me please.

Oh god.'

'From: Matt To: Haylie

Nash is freaking out. Are you guys okay?

We're coming to check on you guys.'

Those were the only ones I read before we headed off to the hospital. I texted the boys back to let them know I was okay.

'From: Haylie To: Nashty

Hey.. I'm alright but we are on our way to the hospital because Kaitlyn is unconscious.'

And I texted the same thing to Matt. They said that they were going to come and make sure we were okay still. These boys are so caring.

The ride to the hospital was so agonizingly long. It was completely silent. Kian kept stealing glances at me but I didn't look at him. He kept rubbing small circles all over my left thigh to calm me down a little bit but it wasn't working. I was way too worried about Kaitlyn.

I tried to keep my eyes focused outside of the car and seeing what was going on but I still found myself looking at Kaitlyn and making sure she was okay. I knew she wasn't though. She was unconscious for Christ's sake!

I felt the car stop but I didn't look away from the window. I've stopped crying because I was just completely out of them. My cheeks were stained with dry tears.

"Haylie?" I heard Kian's strained voice say from beside of me. I still didn't look at him.

I sighed. Didn't answer him.

"Come on. Let's go see if she's alright." He said and pulled me into him and kissing my forehead. He let go of me and I got out of the car as he picked her up from the back seat and started walking towards the hospital doors. I followed him after I shut the car door and crossed my arms.

I heard feet hitting the ground. At least seven pairs of feet and it attracted my attention to the sound. I looked to see if I knew who it was and I did.

It was Nash, Matt, Jc, Sam, Jack, Cameron, and three other people I didn't recognize. The group was running towards me when they saw me.

"Haylie! Holy shit, I'm glad you're okay." Nash was the first one to give me a hug and then everyone else did. Even Cameron.

I gave them a small smile. "I'm glad you guys are okay too."

They smiled. "Oh! I forgot to introduce you guys. Uhm, Haylie this is Jack Gilinsky." Nash said, pointing to the boy with tan skin and black hair. "This is Jack Johnson." He pointed to a shorter boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "And this is Taylor Caniff." He was wearing a bandana and he had braces. I waved at the three new boys I just met. "And this is Haylie Summers."

The new boys waved back at me and mumbled a 'hey'.

"Well, I'm sorry but can we get in the hospital? She's starting to get really heavy." Kian said, shifting to keep ahold of Kaitlyn. I nodded.

We walked in and a nurse rushed over to us.

"During the tornado and the earthquake she was hit in the head with something and is still unconscious." Kian said and carried her to a stretcher. I'm glad he told the nurse what happened because I would've went crazy and hysterical. I walked over to the chairs in the waiting room and pulled my knees to my chest. Jade and Kelcee walked in soon after. They looked at me and gave me hugs. They sat in front of me and looked at me. I just kept staring into space, avoiding conversation. I didn't care what they were talking about, to he honest. I was too scared of losing my cousin.

-1 hour later-

"Kaitlyn Williams?" A nurse said and we all stood up. I was the first one to walk up to the nurse.

"I'm her cousin." I said.

She lowered her clipboard and examined my face. "Kaitlyn is fine. She's awake. She doesn't have a concussion like we thought and she doesn't have amnesia either. She's a fighter."

"Can I go in and see her?" I asked after letting all of the information set in.

"She was asking for Haylie?"

"That's me."

She nodded. "She's in room 143."

As soon as she said the number, I sprinted down the hallway and came face to face with her door.

I breathed in and out. "You can do this." I said to myself.

I knocked on the door and opened it slowly. Kaitlyn was sitting there, looking at me and started smiling. I did the same and rushed over to her. My arms wrapped around her neck and her wrapped around my waist.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered to her.

She laughed lightly. "I'm glad you're okay too."

I pulled away from our embrace and sat in the chair by the bed.

"I was literally crying and in hysterics while you were unconscious. I was so worried." I said, looking at her.

"I could hear you flipping out." she laughed.

I smiled bigger at her. "I didn't talk to anyone until the nurse said you wanted to see me."

"That's the longest time you've went without talking." She said.

"I called your dad." I looked at the floor. I could feel her stare burn through me. "I'm sending you back to Maine with him when he gets down here." I looked at her.

Her eyes widened. "You're WHAT?! No, I won't go back Haylie. I want to stay here with you."

"Kaitlyn, I obviously couldn't take care of you myself so I'm sending you back. I thought I could take the responsibility of raising my cousin when I didn't realize I couldn't even take care of myself. I thought about it long and hard. I don't want to send you back but I feel like this is the only right thing to do."

She sighed. "The earthquake and tornado weren't your fault and me getting hit in the head wasn't your fault either. Please don't send me back."

"I could've been there to protect you! But I was to busy trying to fix my relationship with Kian! If I was at the house, you wouldn't be in here with a fucking needle in your arm!"

"Haylie, It wasn't your fault! Stop putting yourself down like this, okay? It wasn't your fault!" She said, shutting me up.

I sighed. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Haylie."


1761 words for this chapter. It was really long. I was gonna make it 2000 words but decided against it.


- Makayla ✌️

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