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He spins his staff as he shoots gold beams at Mister Bug who dodges the hits and lands on his feet. He then throws his Yo-Yo at Style King only for his Yo-Yo to hit through him and Mister Bug catches his Yo-Yo with ease. "You still don't get it, huh, fashion victim? I am invincible!" Style King says with a smirk as he then shoots another gold beam at Mister Bug who quickly dodges it and jumps out of the way.

Mister Bug continues to dodge the golden beams as he then quickly hides when Style King says, "My power is only equaled by my sense of fashion! I am invincible!" He cackles as Mister Bug breathes heavily still hiding while he then throws his Yo-Yo in the air while he says, "Lucky charm!" His Yo-Yo glows while ladybugs spin around and suddenly a ladybug themed mallet falls into his hands.

"A mallet? What am I supposed to do with this?" He questions with a groan wishing he had Lady Noire with him because she would know what to do. Suddenly gold dust is almost shot at him as he quickly dodges the golden beams jumping from one bar to another and lands turning his head.

He sees Style King a few feet away from him as he then throws his Yo-Yo at Style King. Only for it to go through him once again as Mister Bug catches his Yo-Yo with ease. "Haven't you got it already? You can't beat me!" Style King yells as he lunges forward to Mister Bug throwing his staff at Mister Bug who quickly dodges the staff as he backs up. He lands on his feet only to get kicked back into a metal bar with a groan as he falls he quickly grabs the mallet as he swings away from the Eiffel Tower away from Style King.

 He lands on his feet only to get kicked back into a metal bar with a groan as he falls he quickly grabs the mallet as he swings away from the Eiffel Tower away from Style King

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Mister Bug gets into an alley as he lands and de-transforms as Tikki falls into his hands. Mason sighs as he feeds Tikki who looks to him, "What the heck did the mallet mean? I don't know and Lady Noire has disappeared and I need help!"

Mason rambles with a frown as Tikki finishes her macaroon and says, "I know where to go." "You do?" Mason questions as Tikki nods her head and tells him where to go as they get to Master Fu's.

Mason walks into the room and his eyes widened seeing Master Fu, "Master Fu?" He questions but shakes his head not questioning as he then says, "Master Fu! Lady Noire has disappeared! I can't beat Style King without her! And Tikki said the Luck Charm told me to come here!" Master Fu had her back to Mason as she shakes her head then says, "Don't worry, Lady Noire is fine."

"Well, what's she doing, then? Why isn't she helping me?" Mason asks with a frown as he walks closer to Master Fu who turns to him and says, "She's just lost her Miraculous." Mason's eyes widened as he says in a panic, "What? She's just lost her Miraculous? This is a disaster!" Suddenly someone speaks, "That kitty's really got herself stuck up in a tree this time."

Mason looks seeing Plagg who was laying down eating camembert trying to stay calm but really wishes he had (Y/N) with him. Mason stares at Plagg then says, "Let me guess, you're Lady Noire's kwami." Plagg flies right up to Mason with a smirk and says, "Yes, she tends to copy me sometimes but I think it suits her. Yet, lately, she's been doing really silly things! But she's a good Lady Noire and even though she lost her Miraculous she's still the best Lady Noire out there!"

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