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She then points her bow and arrow at me and my eyes widened while I quickly extend my baton hitting the arrow making it turn to dust. Dark Cupid then shoots more arrows at me but I dodge them all, I then jump high extending my baton at her only for her to dodge my hit and I unextend my baton catching it with ease.

I then slide down a roof stopping at the edge while I look up to see Dark Cupid fly at me shooting an arrow at me, but I quickly spin my baton in front of me and the arrow doesn't hit me and it turns to dust. I keep spinning my baton while I quickly jump up the roof while I run still dodging all the arrows Dark Cupid shoots at me.

Dark Cupid flies after me while I jump on another roof only to slide down it and I yell while I quickly catch the gutters with my foot making me stay upside down. I stay upside down seeing Dark Cupid was looking for me but she passed me.

"Falling for me already, malady?" Mister Bug asks while he was hanging from his Yo-Yo. I look to him while he holds his hand out to me and says, "I need to talk to you." I grab his hand while he helps me from the gutter, "It's gotta wait Dark Cup..." I said while Mister Bug pulls me close to him and shushes me.

My eyes widened while I stare at him my cheeks becoming red. I shake my head a bit remembering that he belongs with Adriana. "I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you." Mister Bug explains while I stare at him still with wide confused eyes.

"Lady Noire, I-I..." he then looks behind me and his eyes widened while he yells, "Look out!" I turn around to see Dark Cupid about to shoot an arrow at me but instead Mister Bug spins us around and he gets hit with the arrow instead.

Dark Cupid flies passed us while I gasp, "Mister Bug?" I question while Mister Bug still was holding me with one hand and his other hand was holding his string from his Yo-Yo. "Lady Noire, I...I loathe you!" Mister Bug says while his grip on me was tight while I say, "Mister Bug, snap out of it."

I try and move from his grip while he says, "You're nothing Lady Noire, and nothing to me, I hate you." I then kick his leg hard while he shrieks and he lets me go while I quickly use my baton and I extend it launching me up away from Mister Bug who was under Dark Cupid's spell.

I then quickly unextend my baton while I land on my feet in front of the hotel Chris stays at. I run inside while I see Chris and Steven hiding. Chris and Steven then get out from their hiding stop and they see me, "Lady Noire, it's about time. Where have you been?" Chris asks me while him and Steven walk over to me.

I stand while I say, "You've got to get out of here. Your friend Kim's turned into Dark Cupid. And I don't know what she'll do if she finds you here." Chris stares at me, " Moi? But how could she possibly have a vendetta against me?" Chris questions while I groan quietly and turn away from Chris while I say quietly, "Who doesn't?" Suddenly Chris pulls me close while saying, "Duh! It's because of this." He then points to the big gold picture frame that had a picture of Adriana in it.

"Everyone would love to get their hands on it. That's Adriana, a super-hot girl in my class, and rich too. She'd go for me, of course." Chris says smiling proud while I shake my head. Steven then gets in between me and Chris while pointing, "It's alive!" Chris and Steven scream while they run away from me.

I look to see the big picture frame come in my guess Dark Cupid was behind it. Dark Cupid flies up about to hit Chris and Steven with the arrow but I quickly slide in and I spin my baton in my hand making the arrow hit my baton and it disappears.

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt