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I was at the park reading since Adriana wanted me to come cause she didn't want to be alone. She was doing photo shoots while I just sit across the side lines reading. Little did I know Mason was hiding behind a tree looking at me.

I turn around to see Mason pushing Aidan and a little boy back but he stops with wide eyes seeing me looking at him. I smile while I give him a small wave and he smiles at me nervously and waves back. I then look over to Adriana who just kept doing photos.

"Okay, I thought she was supposed to look over at Mason and wave then she gets in trouble by her photographer and goes back to taking photos."

"And Mason was supposed to get Adriana's attention why is he over here by me?"

I just shake my head while I go back to reading my book not noticing Mason looking over at me with a dreamy smile and still waves.

I stop reading while I then look over to see Mason with the little boy getting him a balloon and then both going to the Merry go round.

"Huh...oh wait...I forgot I always do that thinking too much missing some of the scenes."

I groan while I then look over to Mason who stares at me then to Aidan them both at the merry go round with the boy. I get up quickly knowing about this part Stormy Weather will be here any minute.

Mason quickly starts to run over I thought to Adriana but then I stare confused.

"He's coming over to me? But why?"

I couldn't think to much since I heard screams and I look up to see Stormy Weather up in the sky looking down at everyone in the park. Stormyweather then creates a whole ice dome around the merry go round. I run behind a tree bringing Plagg out of my hair who was eating cheese. He looks to me while I smile and say, "Plagg, claws out!"The ring then turns black while Plagg goes into the ring while I raise my arm up and look up to see the green paw appear on the ring with a glow. I smirk looking down at my suit.

 I was now standing by the gate to see Stormy Weather coming not noticing me

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I was now standing by the gate to see Stormy Weather coming not noticing me. "Hey, Ice King. What's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?" I ask with a smirk while I now stand on top of the gate rails. "My name is not Ice King, it's Stormy Weather!" Stormy Weather yells in anger while I slide down the pole and I swing my ribboned tail with a smirk.

"Listen, I'm feline more generous than usual, today. So cool down, and we'll call it's quits, 'K?" I said while I smirk at Stormy Weather who looks at me with an unamused look. He then blasts wind at me, my eyes widened while I then get flung back across the city.

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now