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"Welcome back to everyone's number 1 live game show, The challenge. Let's give it up for our next awesome contestant, Nina!" The game show host says live while I was with Nina and Adriana all of us at the studio. Adriana and I smile at Nina who turns to us and nervously smiles she then walks over to the game host.

The game host smiles at her while they both look at each other while they were live. "So, Nina, you're a student and a DJ, that's pretty awesome." The game host says with a smile while then a crew member brings in a DJ set and the game host then says, "Check out the decks we've got for you."

Nina looks at the DJ set and walks over to it smiling while I watch the scene with a smile happy for Nina.

"I'll be honest I loved this episode. To be fair I loved every episode some I didn't."

"But this episode was good I liked it."

I shake my head from my thoughts while I look ahead at Nina and the game host. "So the challenge our viewers have chosen for you is...to get the Mayor of Paris, Andrea Bourgeois to dance!" The game host says reading the card she had while she then points behind her and Nina showing a video call with the Mayor appeared.

"Thank you for agreeing to play with us today Ma'am. What are Nina's chances tonight?" The game host asks Mayor Bourgeois who says, "Zero, I despise dancing. The last I danced, Madonna was in kindergarten." Mayor Bourgeois says on the video call.

Adriana and I watch Nina who starts playing some good beats trying to get Mayor Bourgeois to dance. I then see a woman standing beside me holding cards. She looks at me and I wave with a smile she smiles also and holds her hand out for me to shake. I was about to shake her hand when then Adriana's body guard pushes me behind her and literally growls at the woman. I gasp along with Adriana while we both quickly say, "No, it's okay."

Adriana's body guard goes back to watching Nina while I go back to watching Nina with Adriana. But I was confused why would the body guard get mad when the woman wanted to shake my hand? I get it that if she wanted to shake Adriana's hand but me? I shake my head from my thoughts while I look to see Mayor Bourgeois was moving her head to the beat that Nina was playing. "Victory! Challenge conquered by Nina." The game host says while she then wraps her arm around Nina then says, "You moved your head to the beat Mayor Bourgeois, that counts as dancing."

"What? That's not true. My n-neck was itching. That's all." Mayor Bourgeois says trying to say she wasn't dancing while the game host says, "Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing too. Nina, congratulations. You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge ."

Nina then walks off stage, "And now for our next contestant, welcome Simone Grimault." The game host says while then the woman who was gonna shake my hand Simone walks on stage while Nina walks up to me and Adriana. Adriana and I smile while we fist bump Nina and we both say, "Awesome, girl." Nina fist bumps us both while she bows a bit and stands beside us and we all watch the next contestant.

"Miss. Grimault, you are a hypnotist, you use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them." The game host says to Simone who says, "Well...yes, I'm a hypnotist but uh...I don't use my skills to get anything."

"So, your challenge today Simone is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very Tv set." The game host explains while she pulls out a card from the envelope she had then says, "Give it up for the Queen of fashion Gabrielle Agreste." The game host then points behind her and Simone showing a video call with Gabrielle Agreste appeared.

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