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(A/N:Okay so I know I don't normally do this in the beginning...but I just wanted you guys to know that this episode is gonna be different. And if you don't like it I'm sorry but this is how my brain is going and I'm making this up as I go. Anyway you'll see what I did but I hope you like the episode!)

Mister Bug and I land on the roof of the bus that was speeding down Paris. I look inside to see the bus driver trying to use the breaks but they were busted. I turn to look to Mister Bug, "Ready, Mister Bug." I asked with a smirk as I turn to him,"I'm always ready, Lady Noire." Mister Bug says as he runs ahead and I question with a smile, "Who needs brakes when they've got us?"

I throw my baton to Mister Bug who catches it, goes under the bus, attaches his Yo-Yo to it, and wraps his Yo-Yo around the baton. After the bus passes from under him, he throws it only for me to catch. I extend my baton in between two lampposts. The bus is about to hit three civilians two of them were Addie and her father and the other was just some civilian.

But luckily the bus stops in time from Mister Bug's Yo-Yo and my baton. We both get to the bus as Mister Bug unwraps his Yo-Yo from the bus while the bus doors open. Mister Bug and I help the passengers that were inside out of the bus as I look to Mister Bug.

"Okay, I know this episode...but I can't ask him!"

"He's meant to be with Adriana! Also I can't mess up their love story!"

"Then again I have to go by the episode unless I want something bad to happen."

"I'll just do it! I mean even though I...like him...doesn't mean I'm gonna end up with him. Like I know he's going to end up with Adriana and I respect it."


I shake away my thoughts as I keep helping the passengers out of the bus along with Mister Bug. "So, uh, Mister Bug, what would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner, rooftop-style?" I asked with red dusting my cheeks as Mister Bug and I continued to help passengers out of the bus.

"For dinner? As superheroes?" Mister Bug asks with a confused smile as I giggle nervously and help passengers out of the bus still, "Well, uh...yeah! That's right! We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?" I explain as I look to Mister Bug who helps more passengers out of the bus as he says, "I...that's so thoughtful of you. But I can't. I have to...uh I already got plans with some friends."

The last passenger gets off the bus as she shakes Mister Bug's hand then mine as she says, "Thank you. Thank you, Lady Noire." The passenger walks away as I stand beside Mister Bug, "Well, if your plans end early, come and join me." I say with a smile as Mister Bug chuckles and says, "We'll see." He swings his Yo-Yo as I say, "I'll be waiting, Buggaboy!" He swings off as I watch him go with a love sick smile on my face as I run off going back home.

" He swings his Yo-Yo as I say, "I'll be waiting, Buggaboy!" He swings off as I watch him go with a love sick smile on my face as I run off going back home

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