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I see Stormy Weather and I follow him while I still hold onto Mister Bugs hand. I look behind me to see Mister Bug still holding my hand while I then run after Stormy Weather who takes the stairs up to the roof.

I run up the stairs seeing him running while I hear Mister Bug say, "Okay, that's enough I think I can manage to..." I then stop seeing Stormy Weather throw a fire extinguisher at us. My eyes widened while I yell, "Duck!" I duck down while I turn to Mister Bug who ducks down just in time and the fire extinguisher hits the wall.

"I'll follow your lead like always malady." Mister Bug says while I grab his hand again and stand. I then run out the door Stormy Weather ran out of and we were on the roof.

I stop to see Stormy Weather flying in the air cackling. "You airheads, you fell right into my trap." Stormy Weather says with a smirk. He then creates a whole snow storm around us. We look around with wide eyes while Stormy Weather says, "There's no way out! Party's over, fools."

I look to Stormy Weather with a glare and say, "We're just..." I stop mid sentence to see Mister Bug still holding my hand. I look at him while he looks to me and rubs the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. I shake my head with a giggle and take my hand away from Mister Bug's and I look back at Stormy Weather.

"We're just getting started, Stormy." I say while I glare at him. Mister Bug quickly throws his Yo-Yo in the air while he says, "Lucky charm!" His Yo-Yo glows while ladybugs spin around and suddenly a ladybug themed bath towel appears.

Mister Bug catches the bath towel and questions, "A bath towel? What am I supposed to do with this?" He sighs while he then says, "Great. So, we're about to be obliterated but...at least we'll be dry." I shake my head and say, "Just hold your spots." I say while Mister Bug wraps the bath towel around his wrist.

"Hail!" Stormy Weather shouts while he then raises his umbrella up and creates hail that falls right towards us. My eyes widened while I grab ahold of Mister Bug's hand and I grab my baton and start spinning it around so the hail bounces off not hitting us.

"So what's the plan of getting the Akuma back? Your arms gonna cramp." Mister Bug says while I look to the sign and I look to Mister Bug who looks around I then say, "I'll get the sign you figure out the rest I know you can." I look to Mister Bug who nods his head at me. While I then raise my arm up yelling, "Cataclysm!" My right hand then has my Cataclysm on it.

"Hey, Coldilocks, is that all you got?" I ask with a smirk while I then run at him. He shoots lightning bolts at me but I dodge every time I quickly get to the sign and put my hand on it making the bars rust. The sign slowly falls while Stormy Weather looks up at the sign that was falling right towards him. He gasps while Mister Bug quickly wraps his Yo-Yo around Stormy Weather's ankle. Stormy Weather blasts a lightning bolt at the sign making a whole and he flies right through the sign.

I look over to see them sign fall where the air duct was. I then look to Mister Bug who looks around trying to figure out what to do. He sighs frustrated while he turns to me swing if I had a plan.

"Weird. Isn't he supposed to know what to do?"

"No time to think I just have to help him."

"Run under the metal bar over there!" I yell while I point to the metal bar he does as I say. I then quickly say, "Jump and hold the bath towel out when you land where the air duct used to be!" He does as I say and holds the bath towel out when he jumps off vent and he flies up in the air while Stormy Weather was being pulled down by his Yo-Yo since the metal pole he wrapped around.

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