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I walk into school hearing people talk about this new guy Leon. I keep walking while I then see Mason and Aidan talking and I think I knew what they were talking about probably that Leon guy.

"Leon must be the genderbent version of Lila."

"Well he is new and is lying already."

I shake away my thoughts while I then look to see Leon and Adriana walking into the library. I smile not at them but at what's to come I look to see Mason and Aidan gone. My guess Aidan went to class or somewhere while Mason followed Leon and Adriana because he does love Adriana. I sigh trying to get this feeling to go away because he's meant to be with Adriana and I'm not. I was brought here by someone and I want to know who but I still don't have any idea who brought me here.

I quickly then go to the library looking around for Mason but I didn't see him. I walk behind a book shelf seeing Adriana and Leon. I didn't see Leon or Mason I look to Adriana while Plagg pokes his head out of my hair and we both see Adriana pull out a book. My eyes widened remembering that book from the show I look around for Mason or Tikki but they were no where in sight.

I was so confused while I hear Plagg gasped and he flies out of my hair, "(Y/N), Adriana's book! I need to get a closer look at it." My eyes widened while I say, "Why are you so concerned about her book? Hide, Plagg!" I watch him fly away hiding up on the book shelf while I quickly hide.

"Dang it! I'm messing up the plot again! Ugh! My mom was right I'm too nosy for my own good."

I shake away my thoughts while I hear Leon come back over to Adriana, "Now we can get going on our history homework. It's so much more fun doing it together don't you think?" Leon asks while he then looks to the open book Adriana had, "What's that?" He asks while he grabs the book looking inside of it while Adriana's eyes widened and she says, "Uh...nothing, just stories about...superheroes."

I peek my head out seeing Adriana place her hand on her history book while Leon places his hand on top of hers, "I love superheroes." I gag a little while I look around still not seeing Mason. I look over seeing Plagg up on the book shelf trying to see the book Leon was reading. I then see the book cart and I use it to get closer while I then hear Leon say, "Mister Bug?" I peek out from the book cart only to see Adriana look at the picture but not having any love reaction.

I stare confused while Leon then says, "You know, I actually happen to be very close friends with Mister Bug." I scoff quietly while I didn't notice Mason walk in and he hears this. He hides behind a book shelf and peeks his head out seeing Adriana and Leon together but he wasn't jealous. He was mad that Leon was lying to Adriana that's it.

"Really?" Adriana asks while Leon smiles, "We can chat about it if you want not here though. Why don't we meet in the park after school and I'll tell you everything." Leon explains while Mason gets more mad that he's lying about him and Mister Bug his alter ego are friends.

I look seeing Plagg still looking at the book while I slip and the cart goes flying into a book shelf but I quickly hide under a table. Adriana and Leon jump up hearing the crash and look over just to see the cart of books on the ground. I sigh in relief quietly while I hear Adriana's phone go off. "I gotta go. I've got a lesson in 58 seconds." Adriana says while they pack their stuff up.

I peek out from under the table seeing Adriana drop her bag and Leon slide his foot to the book of superheroes and slides it away so Adriana doesn't see. "So...the park?" He asks Adriana while he picks up her history book putting it back in her bag and hands her the bag.

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