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I get to Mason's house to see Steven upset with him and Steven walks away. I kinda knew this part since I did like this episode oh, who am I kidding?! I loved every episode. Anyway when Steven left I jumped down in front of Mason, "Whoa, I thought I was gonna have to save you from that guy's claws." I stand while I stand in front of Mason with a giggle.

Mason stares at me with wide eyes while I didn't notice the blush on his cheeks, "Get it? Claws." I said with a giggle while I then bow and say, "And I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Lady Noire." I smile at him while he says quickly with red cheeks, "Yeah, I know. You kinda save the day all the time and stuff. I'm Mason. So, what are you doing here?" I giggle knowing already he knew why I was here since he is Mister Bug.

But I had to play my part and I say, "Well, that birthday-girl date of yours is bad news. But don't worry you'll be safe with me." Mason smiles shyly while he says, "That puts my mind at ease." I giggle while I then lean in close to him and say, "But I am going to need a little help. Care to assist a superhero?" Mason's eyes widened a bit at how close I was while he turns around and asks, "What about Mister Bug? Aren't you a duo?"

I thought while he was turned around he was doing that thing like in the show Marinette did. But I was way off he was blushing red while I said, "He's busy with something tonight. So, you get to be my Mister Bug." I smile while I didn't see Mason's face turn bright red and Tikki flies a bit out of Mason's coat smirking at Mason.

Mason quickly pushes Tikki back in his coat while he turns back around and says, "Me and Lady Noire fighting crime together? Amazing. What do I do?" I blush a bit while I shake my head knowing he's meant to be with Adriana. And I smile at Mason and say, "Just get that drawing pencil away from her. I'll take care of the rest."

I then turn around and I smile at him while I run and jump from lamppost to lamppost leaving Mason's house.

It was now night and I was jumping from building to building seeing Mason and Evilillustrator on the boat floating down the river

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It was now night and I was jumping from building to building seeing Mason and Evilillustrator on the boat floating down the river. I then get to the bridge seeing them go under it and I quickly jump down landing on the boat quietly.

"I actually draw a little too. I'm not as good as you are, of course." I hear Mason says to Evilillustrator. I keep hiding while I slowly get closer and I hear Evilillustrator say, "I'm sure you're a wonderful artist."

I get closer and I see Mason turn to Evilillustrator and say, "Well, can I draw you something special for your birthday?" I then see Mason look to me a little while I grab my baton and I got ready. I then see Mason gently grab the pen and Evilillustrator says, "That would be amazing."

So I slowly step back knowing Evilillustrator heard me I hide back down while she says, "Mason, give me my pencil back. I need to draw something...now." Mason then quickly grab the pencil while he gets up and says, "No...I'm keeping it. Lady Noire, now!"

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