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Mister Bug and I were following Mime who was still miming the car. Mister Bug and I then jump on the car and Mime turns to look at us, "Nice ride but if I were you I would have at least made it a convertible." I say with a smirk while Mime then hits the gas and I gasp about to fall off only for Mister Bug to grab my hand.

We both then hold on tight to the car while I look ahead seeing the bus. "She's one of the actors from the theater troupe and she's after that bus." I say to Mister Bug while Mime turns the car and gets out. "Where's she going?" I ask myself while the car keeps going.

I turn to Mister Bug, "We've gotta stop this thing." I say while I grab Mister Bug's hand and he helps me get in the car. I get in the driver side while Mister Bug says, "Slam down on the brake." I look at the invisible car while I ask, "What brake?" I then look ahead seeing a mom and kid walking on the crosswalk. My eyes widened while I hit the break stopping the invisible car just in time. The mom picks her kid up while she runs away scared.

"Not bad for driving an invisible car course, they'll never believe us if we tell them we just saved their lives." Mister Bug says while everyone around walks over to us. I look to see Mime then mime a motorcycle and she drives away after the bus.

When she drives away the invisible car disappears and Mister Bug and I no fall to the ground with a groan. I get on my knees while I say, "She's already off again. We've got to catch up with the bus before she does." Mister Bug then walks over to me and grabs ahold of my arm placing it around his shoulders while he then pulls me in close to him.

I blush looking at him and I shake my head getting rid of the blush, "Uh...what do you think you're doing?" I ask while Mister Bug grabs his Yo-Yo. "Good thing you have friends in high places." Mister Bug says while he throws his Yo-Yo and we both swing off high in the air. "Hold on." Mister Bug says while he swings us both high. I then turn to him, "I could've done this on my own." I say while Mister Bug says, "But we're the Bug and Kitty team remember?"

I giggle and I say, "Kitty and Bug team you mean." We keep swinging up high while I say, "Now drop me off over there." Mister Bug swings over to where I pointed and says, "Get ready."

We swing over and we both land on the roof of the bus. We walk all the way to the back seeing Mime, "Where could the Akuma be?" Mister Bug asks while I say, "Inside her hat." Mister Bug turns to me, "How'd you know that?" Mister Bug asks while I smile, "I have hidden talents. Trust me on this one." Mime then speeds in on her invisible motorcycle Mister Bug then throws his Yo-Yo creating a border so Mime can't get through.

Mime then jumps off her invisible motorcycle while she flies through the hole of the string from Mister Bug's Yo-Yo. Mime then lands on a car driving while she then jumps car to car then jumps above us and lands a few feet from us on the bus. Mine turns to us while we turn to her, Mime then mimes a fencing sword in her hand pointing it at us. Mister Bug and I look to each other while I say, "I'll distract him." I then run over to Mime while I then jump off the bus and I hold my hands up while I say, "Meow." I giggle to myself while I jump on some cars then I grab my baton launching myself back in the bus in front of Mime. Mime turns to me while I extend my baton and we both start fencing each other.

Mister Bug was about to grab her hat only for Mime to hold onto her hat and tries to hit Mister Bug. Mister Bug dodges her hit and spins his Yo-Yo while he pushes Mime. I gasp while I run at Mime who almost falls off the bus but I quickly grab her hand.

Mime hangs off the side of the bus while I still was holding onto her hand. Mime then tries to grab my ring but I roll over still holding onto her. She then tries to pull me down with her while Mister Bug quickly grabs my legs and pulls me up with Mime. Mime was still hanging off the bus while I still held her hand I then turn a bit to Mister Bug and I say, "Her hat. Grab her hat." Mister Bug looks up and his eyes widened, "Look out!" He yells while I turn to see Mime about to hit me with I'm thinking an invisible hammer. I quickly let her hand go while I dodge the hit and Mime hits the bus instead creating an indent on the roof of the bus.

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें