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I was in my room with Plagg while I was on the Lady Noire blog. "Don't blink now cause, we are live from Paris. Yo, peeps, Aidan here bringing you the one and only Lady Noire blog." Aidan says on my laptop while he then gasps and looks up to see the helicopter. "What is that?" Aidan questions while the helicopters flies past with me as Lady Noire since I was holding onto the helicopter and I dropped my textbook for history.

"Lady Noire in action. Hang on cause, we're going for a ride." Aidan says while he then walks up to my textbook and grabs it while he gasps, "Freak out...what you got here is no ordinary book it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know cause, I've got this very same book. Could our very own Lady Noire be a high-school student in real life?" Aidan asks in the video while I sigh and Plagg looks to me with wide eyes.

"I told you from day one, Plagg I'm kinda clumsy." I chuckle a little while Plagg says, "What's done is done. We can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Aidan mustn't find out who you are. You know how persistent he can be with his blog totally dedicated to Lady Noire." I stare at him while my eyes widened realizing this was the Phereo episode.

"Wait...isn't this supposed to be about Ladybug! Not Lady Noire!"

"Ugh! I keep messing up the show!"

"I am the worst at trying not to mess up the show."

I bang my head on my desk while I now have to play along with the part of this episode since I messed it up again. I then turn my head to face Plagg, "But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Lady Noire thing." I said with a groan while Plagg looks at me with a smile, "You are the chosen one, (Y/N). It will all work out, trust me. Everyone has a past they can learn from." Plagg explains while then he types on my laptop and shows me a picture that said PHARARONS.

"This'll show you why." Plagg says while I stare at the screen. "An exhibition at the luve on the pharaoh's princess Nefertiti ? What does that have to do with my book and Aidan?" I asked while I turn to Plagg. "You must persuade Aidan to go there with you and make sure he brings the book. You'll tell him you found out something about Lady Noire." Plagg explains.

"At the museum?" I asked while Plagg says, "You'll see." I sigh while I stand, "Well, I don't know how I'm gonna convince Aidan to go to an Egyptian exhibit I don't even know him that well much less convince him that I'm not Lady Noire." I explain while Plagg floats in front of me.

"He will be interested, and so will you. Promise. And maybe get that guy you always stare at to get Aidan to come since he is best friends with him." Plagg explains while I stare at him, "I don't stare at Mason Plagg." I said while I cross my arms and look away from him trying not to blush. "Sure you don't. Just do it." Plagg says with a chuckle while I sigh and nod.

" Plagg says with a chuckle while I sigh and nod

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