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We make it to the Tv station while I look on the security cameras then I see Matthew with Mister Wifi. I zoom in on him while I say, "He's still here in the building." Mister Bug and I turn to Alia, Mr. Chamack and another man here while Mister Bug says, "We need you all outside."

Mr. Chamack then turns to me and Mister Bug and says, "No, I want to find my son." He starts to go find him while I grab his arm and I say, "I'll bring your son back, Mr. Chamack. It'll help me more if I know you're safe." Mr. Chamack turns to me while he nods his head.

They all go outside while Mister Bug and I run to the room Puppeteer was in. We both make our way to the door while I try and hear what was going on but I didn't hear nothing. I stand back along with Mister Bug, "On three." I say while we both step back more, "One...two...three!" I yell while we both run in and see Puppeteer about to make Mister Bug's doll come to life.

"Mister Bug, come to life!" Mister Bug's eyes widened and he yells, "No!" I quickly grab my baton throwing it at the Mister Bug doll and it bounces away from the blast and hits the wall instead. Mister Bug throws his Yo-Yo to the Mister Bug doll wrapping it around the doll and he pulls the doll back to him. He catches the doll while putting it to his side while Puppeteer gasps and turns to me with a glare.

"Give me those dolls! I'm gonna get your Miraculouses!" Puppeteer says with a glare while Mister Bug stands beside me and I say, "Not so fast, rug rat." I grab my baton extending it while I launch myself in the air while Mister Bug throws his Yo-Yo in the air and swings up high following my lead. Mister Bug and I then both land behind Puppeteer.

"The Akuma must be in his wand." I say to Mister Bug who nods his head while he throws his Yo-Yo trying to grab the wand while Puppeteer puts the Mister Wifi doll in front of him and yells, "Stop them!" Mister Wifi gets in the way while Mister Bug's Yo-Yo hits Mister Wifi. Mister Wifi falls back on the ground with a grunt while Mister Bug catches his Yo-Yo.

Suddenly Rosiecop and Evilillustrator both walk in busting the door open. Mister Bug and I gasp, "Two against four. That's not very fair and square." Mister Bug says while Puppeteer yells, "The Mister Bug and Lady Noire doll! Get them!"

Mister Wifi, Rosiecop, and Evilillustrator all look to me and Mister Bug while then Evilillustrator draws on her pad. She draws a phone for Mister Wifi. The phone appears in the air while Mister Wifi catches it with a smirk, "Thanks, Evilillustrator. Now, the dolls." He says while Evilillustrator, Rosiecop, and Mister Wifi run at Mister Bug and I.

"Is this what you want? Say pretty please." I say with a smirk holding up the Lady Noire doll. I turn to Mister Bug and I nod my head while he throws his Yo-Yo and swings up to them while Evilillustrator and Mister Wifi get out of the way. Rosiecop shoots bracelets at Mister Bug but misses since Mister Bug slides under Rosiecop.

I then grab my baton and I extend it launching myself over them and I land on my feet beside Mister Bug. I quickly then run over grabbing a packing tape off a chest and Mister Bug and I run out of the room leaving Evilillustrator, Mister Wifi, Rosiecop, and Puppeteer behind.

Mister Bug and I run up the staircase with Evilillustrator, Mister Wifi, and Rosiecop following behind a few staircases down. Mister Bug and I get on the roof while we both hide behind a big spotlight that was on the roof. Evilillustrator, Mister Wifi, and Rosiecop all then run up on the roof looking around for us.

"Where'd they go?" Mister Wifi says angrily not finding us. "First we got to get rid of them, then Puppeteer." I whisper to Mister Bug who nods his head. He pushes the spotlight down towards them while he cuts on the spotlight blinding them.

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