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I open the window in the bathroom and I climb out climbing up to the roof. I get to the top while I then grab my baton calling Mister Bug, "Lady Noire, where were you?" Mister Bug asks while I say, "I...I was uh...keeping Simone Says at bay."

I then look over seeing Simone Says army by the gate at Adriana's house and my eyes widened, "And?" Mister Bug asks me over the phone while I don't answer him still staring at Simone Says's army, "Lady Noire?" Mister Bug questions while I then quickly answer, "I couldn't keep her away. She's coming. She's got company." I then hang up while I put my baton back in my belt and I jump down from the roof opening a window and I see Mister Bug with Gabrielle and Nathan.

"Close off all exits. They're coming from every direction." I explain while I quickly close the window and I look to Mister Bug and Gabrielle, "Do as I say. Engage the self defense system, we need total lockdown." I say while Gabrielle walks over to her computer and starts pressing buttons. She then places her hand on the computer and I hear the computer say, "Lockdown Engaged."

Everything in the house started becoming in total lockdown. I look around while I hear Gabrielle ask, "How do you know so much about the system?" My eyes widened knowing I couldn't say I'm from another dimension and in my world this is a Tv show and I know you're the bad guy! I shake away my thoughts while I quickly say, "Uh...in a house like this it's...it's a given." I then look to Gabrielle nervously while she just stares at me.

"They won't get in. This house is built like a fortress." Gabrielle says while she types on her computer and my guess she was looking at the security footage from outside. Suddenly the room lights become red and the alarm rings while the computer says, "Emergency power on."

"There are too many of them. Your defense system is failing." I say to Gabrielle while Mister Bug says, "Adriana, Nina, and (Y/N)...I'd better go get them." He was about to run out while Gabrielle says, "Here,Nathan, take the controls incase you need to lock an exit. He's coming with you." A painting then opens revealing two remotes and Nathan grabs one and he nods his head to Gabrielle.

Nathan and Mister Bug leave while I say, "I'll reinforce the outer defenses. Go hide in the atrium it's not safe in here." I run while I hear Gabrielle says, "No-one tells me what to do, not even a superhero." I go over to the other remote and I grab it while I say, "You're in danger like everyone else. So stop pretending you're above us all and just do what I tell you to."

Gabrielle gasps while my eyes widened a bit at my temper. Gabrielle smiles then says, "Quite a temper, you remind me of someone." I shake my head while I then leave.

I get back to the window where Adriana's bathroom was and I jump inside while I hear Mister Bug, "(Y/N)?" My eyes widened while I look around quickly and I cut on the shower. I then detransform and I hear Mister Bug open the door and say, "(Y/N)?" I poke my head out not showing I had my clothes on.

"Yeah?" I say while I see Mister Bug's eyes widened and he quickly turns to his head to the side, "Uh...must...it uh...to go...too dangerous...to leave." Mister Bug says while I giggle and ask, "Can I put on my clothes first."

"Sure...if you must. I-I mean...of course you can." Mister Bug quickly says while he then shuts the door. I sigh in relief while I don't hear Mister Bug sigh in relief behind the door.

I then walk out of  the bathroom while I see Mister Bug looking at the home screen on Adriana's computer of her dad. I walk over and say, "That's Adriana's father on his 17th birthday. Adriana told me he also looks quite dashing, huh?" We both stare at the photo while we both say, "He's got Adriana's eyes." We both gasp and turn to each other while we both chuckle a bit us both blushing but I quickly shake the blush away.

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