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I was at school sitting down at my seat writing while I then look up seeing Chris who was sleeping he looked so tired. I see him sleeping then waking up only to sleep again he looked so wrecked. Suddenly I look to see him scream it kinda looked like someone pulled his hair.

He was rubbing his head looking around to see who pulled his hair while Mr. Mendeleiev walks up to Chris, "What is it, Chris?" He asks while everyone watches the scene in front of them. "Someone pulled my hair." Chris explains while Chris and Mr. Mendeleiev turned to Michael who quickly says, "I didn't do it, Mr. M."

Chris stands while he says, "It wasn't him! It's...it's some...invisible, mystical being, like...a leprechaun or a unicorn, without the horn." Everyone laughs while I know what he was talking about Steven got Akumatized and was now Vanisher. "Quiet, everyone! Eyes on your papers!" Mr. Mendeleiev says irritated. Everyone turns back to their paper while I still stare at Chris seeing if Vanisher was still here.

I then see Chris's bag levitate in the air and hits Chris in the face. The blonde's eyes widen as he swiftly grabbed his bag with full strength. "Oh! It's happening again!" He screeched. Chris started running to the back of the class, near Julian. The purse kept trying to pull away from him, making Chris trip from the force.

"Wah!" Cris yells when he hit the floor while Mr. Mendeleiev says, "Chris, sit down." He points to Chris's seat while Chris sits up trying to grab his bag from the invisible force. I knew it was Vanisher and I keep watching the scene, "I can't. My bag is beating me up." Chris says while his bag kept hitting him in the face.

He leaves his bag on the floor while then he quickly gets up runs to the back of the class. I keep watching the scene while Chris stays in the back of the class terrified. I then see Vanisher grab Julian's pen from him and throws it at Chris who shrieks.

Vanisher throws the pens at Chris who gasps and starts running back to the front of the class screaming. "Chris, we don't run in the classroom." Mr. Mendeleiev says irritated with Chris. Mr. Mendeleiev then crosses his arms, "Get back to your seat." He says to Chris who slowly walks back over to his seat.

I then see the glasses on Chris's head were levitating off his head and Chris quickly holds onto them trying to keep them on his head. Chris then trips to the front of the desk and drops his glasses while then I see his hair getting pulled.

Mr. Mendeleiev walks to the front of the class over to Chris while he says, "Compose yourself, Mister Bourgeois." Chris then leaves his glasses he then gets up and quickly runs out of the classroom terrified while everyone laughs.

I then look seeing Adriana's tablet slide to Niña while I then see the classroom door open and shut. I then whisper to Plagg who was in my hair, "Plagg, we've gotta get outta here." Plagg pokes his head out to me staying hidden while he nods and hides back in my hair. I stand while I say, "Sir please, I have to go to the restroom." I get up walking to the classroom door while I say , "Thank you." I quickly leave while I hear Mason also saying he needed to go to the bathroom.

I get to the bathroom walking in while Plagg flies out of my hair. Suddenly my phone beeps and I grab it seeing a lot of bad photos of Chris I knew what was already going on but I couldn't mess this episode up. "There's something really strange going on." I say while Plagg looks to my phone too.

I put my phone back in my pocket while I say, "Time to transform." I turn to Plagg who nods his head at me then I yell, "Plagg, claws out!" The ring then turns black while Plagg goes into the ring. I raise my arm up and look up to see the green paw appear on the ring with a glow. I then smile while I turn into Lady Noire.

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