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"In most fairytales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?" Mr. Bustier asks while I was listening to him. I look to see Adriana just listening to Mr. Bustier and not writing a poem for Mister Bug AKA Mason. I stare at Adriana confused while I turn to Mason and I see him writing something.

I was even more confused what was he writing I thought he was supposed to be listening to Mr. Bustier while Adriana was writing. "Because only love can conquer hate." Ross says while Mr. Bustier says, "Correct Ross." Maya then stands and says, "Technically speaking, this is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairytales."

"Thank you, Maya. That's enough." Mr. Bustier says while I keep looking at Mason wanting to know what he was writing. Mason keeps writing while then Mr. Bustier says, "Mason, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson." I gasp a bit seeing Mr. Bustier walk over to Mason then Mr. Bustier says, "Can you tell me what I just said."

Mason keeps writing while he says, "That's why in most fairytales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Because only love conquers hate." The bell then rings while Mr. Bustier says, "Very good, Mason." I smile at him while everyone packs up. I didn't understand why he was writing while Adriana just left. I was so confused but I wanted to know what Mason was writing.

"Okay, everyone. Don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty. By Charles Perrault tonight. And Happy Valentine's Day students." Everyone leaves while I stay watching Mason who was still sitting down and was looking down at the paper he had. I sigh knowing that probably the thing he was writing was for Adriana but boy was I way off.

I look to see Mason sigh while he crumbles up the paper and he grabs his bag. I watch him walk down towards the front of the classroom while he doesn't even notice me. I watch him throw the poem away in the trash and he walks out of the classroom. I quickly grab my bag and I walk over to the trash can digging in it grabbing the crumble piece of paper.

I uncrumble it and I read, "Your hair is bright as day with a catch of the bright night, your pretty gorgeous bright emerald green eyes, I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise." Plagg flies out of my hair while I then read, "Every day we see each other, and I hope that you'll be mine. Together our love could be so true, please will you be my Valentine."

I blush at the poem while Plagg says, "Wow, now that's a love poem." I look to Plagg then to the poem while I ask, "Who could he be talking about? Hair as bright as day with a catch of the bright night, bright emerald green eyes?" Plagg smirks while saying, "Uh...you." I chuckle while I shake my head and say, "Me? No way. There are plenty of girls at school with bright hair and green eyes. Plus my eyes aren't green but I know someone with green eyes."

I look down at the poem knowing he wrote it for Adriana while Plagg stares at me while asking, "Yeah, but bright emerald green eyes? And I do see a bit of emerald green in your eyes." I look at the poem again while I ask, "What do you think he means by strong disguise?" Plagg groans while he says, "This is poetry. He means who you are deep down inside. He wants to get to know you (Y/N). He's talking about you."

I look back down at the poem while I turn the back of it seeing another side, "Look, there's another poem." I said while Plagg flies over to me us both looking at the poem. "Your hair is bright as the day in the light, every time I see you pass by, you have beautiful bright (E/C) eyes and they shine in the bright sunlight, I stare at you from a far wondering what you have on your mind on the days that shine."

Plagg stares at the poem while I then read, "I hope I have the courage to tell you one day to be mine, together you and I our love could be like the books of fairytales in time, oh would you please make my wish come true, and please be my valentine." I blush while Plagg says, "This boy is really sweet with these poems." I turn to him with a giggle while I say, "Plagg that's what love is about. But who could he be talking about?" Plagg flies in front of me while he groans, "(Y/N), don't you see? He's talking about you in both poems!"

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