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"There he is!" Aidan says with a smile as him and the others cheer for Mason who walks over to the stage. "Spot on and spotlight!" Clark says into the mic as the lights above shine on them. Mason stands right in front of (Y/N) as Clark wraps his arms around the two as he asks, "So, you're Lady Noire and Mister Bug, right?"

They both then quickly yell, "No! Uh...oh, yes!" They both chuckle nervously while Clark gets in front of the two with a smile. "One...two...and three." Clark says as he was demonstrating arm moves left arm out, right arm out, both up, then down for Mason and (Y/N) to follow.

Mason and (Y/N) both then copy what Clark just did but not in sync. Clark spins over to them as he says, "Your dance moves need to be synchronized if you can. So you'll need to hold each other by the hand." Mason and (Y/N) both look to each other while Mason's friends were right in front of the stage watching as was Adriana.

"Okay." (Y/N) says trying not to blush knowing Mason was meant for Adriana. While she and Mason turn to face each other, and clasp their right hands as if shaking hands and chuckles as (Y/N) and Mason turn to Clark smiling nervously. Then Aidan, Michael, Ross, Julian, and Alix all saw what happened and they all chuckled at Mason and (Y/N).

"Not like that. Don't be shy! Like lovers do.
Give it a try!" Clark says as he walks up to (Y/N) and Mason adjusting both their hands, now intertwining their fingers together. Mason and (Y/N) gape anxiously at their clasped hands while Aidan took photos of the two. "Mason's jaw will drop when he sees these pics!" Aidan says as he swipes on his phone as the pictures on the screen show Mason and (Y/N) gaping, then smiling bashfully as they look up away from each other.

"Oh! I can't believe how much they look like the real Lady Noire and Mister Bug!" Ross says with a smile as he looks at the photos on Aidan's phone. "One final task, put on the mask!" Clark says as he turns to (Y/N) and Mason with a smile. "Uh...well...I found the costume but the mask was uhm..." Mason says while (Y/N) says over Mason, "Uh! I didn't see it. I looked everywhere in the dressing room, but it was..."

"Nowhere to be found!" Mason and (Y/N) both say together as Clark stares at the two and starts to laugh while (Y/N) and Mason laugh nervously along with Mason's friends. "They don't look a thing like the real Lady Noire and Mister Bug now!" Aidan says as he keeps his phone pointed to Mason and (Y/N) who were both viewed on the phone fidgeting awkwardly, still holding hands.

"It's okay! I found them!" The Stagehand shouting from next to a dressing trailer. (Y/N) and Mason both gasp in a panic while they then both were handed their masks by Clark. "Go ahead, put them on, you two. We've got a lot of singing and dancing to do!" (Y/N) and Mason both turn to each other as they both look down to the masks in a panic. Everyone watches the two as Alix yells, "Whoohoo!" "Come on!" Ross says with a smile as everyone waits for Mason and (Y/N) to put the masks on.

The two could hear their hearts beating out of control the nerves and fear of their identities getting revealed eating away at them. But with the pressure of Clark and the crowd, they slowly raise their masks to their faces closing their eyes when they have the masks near, until Mayor Bourgeois walks in with Chris behind her with a smirk.

"I'm sorry. My administrative staff just realized you never submitted permit A38 as stipulated in the circular B65 that one can only get at counter C, third floor of City Hall, which is, alas, closed for renovations until August, which means you don't have a permit to shoot...anywhere in France, including Paris." Mayor Bourgeois explains as she walks on stage giving the papers to Clark who stares at the papers with wide eyes.

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