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He smiles as I say with a giggle, "Ha! Just admit that you love being on Tv!" "I don't get stage fright, Malady." Mister Bug says with a chuckle as we both then step a few steps back as we then start running fast as we jump off the roof. We both yell as we jumped through the screen and landed into the subway. We both get into our fighting stances as I hold my baton up and Mister Bug spins his Yo-Yo.

We look around only to see Chris who stares at us, "Ugh, finally, what took you so long? Hurry up and get me out of this underground nightmare! Whoa! Ugh!" Chris says only to fall over landing on the ground in the subway. We both stand normally when then we both hear Prime King cackling as he reveals himself. "You're about to be the stars of the highest-rated show in all of TV history!" Prime Long says as he shows us his watch on his wrist seeing the ratings.

"The Akuma must be in that watch!" I say as I turn to Mister Bug and continue, "You deal with Prime King and I'll deal with the door." Mister Bug nods at me as Mister Bug spins his Yo-Yo and runs At Prime King while I run towards the door. Mister Bug throws his Yo-Yo at Prime King only for Prime king to jump into the screen and disappear.

Making Mister Bug's Yo-Yo hit the screen instead breaking the screen. I make it to the door trying to open it only for it to be locked. I turn to Mister Bug as I yell, "We're trapped!" "The rules for my show are simple, admit the truth, live on TV, that you're dating and in love and I'll stop the train!" Prime King says as I look at the screen seeing him and I say, "A superhero never lies! We won't admit to something that's not true!"

"Even though I want it to be true."

"Wait! No! Stop it!"

"He's meant for Adriana!"

"Ugh! Stop beating so fast heart!"

I blush a bit but no one notices and I quickly shake my head away from my thoughts. "I want my scoop!" Prime King tells angrily as Mister Bug turns to me, "Use your Cataclysm!" "No. We might need it for an emergency." I said as I turn to Mister Bug who says, "Yeah, like, right now!"

I sigh as I shake my head at him, "We have to lure him over here first, or we'll never capture his Akuma. So let's just play along with him. At least it'll buy us some time." I explain in a whisper even though this part was gonna make my heart explode I had to do it. Mister Bug stares at me confused then asks, "Meaning?" I look back to the screen where Prime King was as I said, "Okay, Prime King. You win."

I grab Mister Bug's hand not noticing him stare at me with wide eyes as I continue, "I confess. Mister Bug and I are dating, like you said! We are in...love." Prime King then stops the train as Mister Bug and I were thrown back and I landed on top of him and I started purring. My eyes widened and my cheeks turn red a little as Mister Bug looks down at me and asks, "Did I just hear you purr?" "Uh...no way!" I said embarrassed while I get off him when then we both hear Prime King say, "Our two heroic lovebirds are saving their fan's life by admitting their true feelings. Our viewers are going crazy! But, our TV ratings haven't maxed out yet. You must do better!"

I stare at the screen as I say, "Then come and join us, Prime King! You're the host and star of the show after all. Then you'll have your ratings." I smirk as I cross my arms staring at Prime King who then stares at me as he says, "My show, my rules, Lady Noire! To prove that your feelings are genuine, you're going to have to take off your masks, which means you must both give me your Miraculous!" Mister Bug and I glare at the screen as I shake my head saying, "Not a chance, Prime King!"

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now