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He left before Marry could notice him or his car parked in front of my door. Marry didn't even come to my house that day. She was hibernating in her cosy blanket when I got to hers. Her hand waved out of the blanket when I greeted her and I earned a raised palm when  I tried to get into the blanket with her. It was a clear sign that her mood swings were there again.

Just like every rainy season.

I spent the night there but didn't tell Marry about Miles. I wanted this to be a little private since we are still figuring things out.

The days went by with some messages here and there but I didn't meet him for another week due to the pending work I had. He asked me every day, when I worked in his mansion and when he got to chance to see me.

So, one day when I unexpectedly visited the site, he was fucking smiling. I did expect him there but there were two other men. One was Markus and the other I didn't know. They both looked at me and then at Miles, Markus as always had to be the jerk he was. He winked at me, purposely showing it to Miles, earning a hit on his bicep by Miles. I shook my head approaching them.

"Hello, gentlemen."

Miles nodded and the other man kept staring at me, and Markus of course spat some shit back.

"We are not gentle in any way, Ms. Sun." He extended his hand for me to shake.

I passed him a lip-pressed sarcastic smile and didn't shake his hand.

"Glad to know that you remembered my name, Mr. Markus."

"Likewise, Ms. Sun." He pulled his hand back and fixed his coat.

While he was fixing the coat my eyes flicked to the shiny gun tucked in his belt at the side of the waist.


"So, Mr. Parron, How is the work going according to you?" I looked up at the green-eyed man, who was staring right back at me.

He looked at the construction and then looked back at me.

"Good. I wanna discuss somethings though, shall we take a walk?" He offered.

Before I could say something, Markus jumped into the conversation.

"Of course, a walk is all you need. Alone." He said to Miles.

Did Miles tell him something from that night?

Miles rolled his eyes and placed a hand on the small of my back, as he led me away.

We walked to the back of the construction site. My eyes were on the work but I did feel his eyes on my face.

"Who was the other person there? The bald one?" I asked when we stopped walking.

"One of my men." He shrugged, his hands rubbing up and down my back.

"Your men? They are bigger than you, yourself?" I teased, Miles was the bigger one.

He leaned his head and stopped when his lips were touching the shell of my ear.

"Your cunt knows how big I am, why don't we ask her again about me? I bet she'll fucking drool all over the sheets again.." His words.. his fucking WORDS!

I gasped, pulling my head away when my cheeks started burning. He studied my face and then gave me a smirk. His hand was on my cheek to feel the warmth.

"Look at you, getting all shy-" I cut him off, I had to. Men lose control when not stopped initially.

"The work." I stepped back.


"The work, miles. We are here to talk about the mansion."

"Yeah.." He was confused. Maybe I'm the first girl he ever encountered who is brained.

I didn't let him touch me. We just talked and talked, until it was time for me to leave. He followed me to the car and just when I extended my hand for the car's door, he flipped me around and pinned me to the car's side with his hands on my shoulders.

The sun had set and the pretty moon was shining bright. His beautiful eyes held desire and something else, which I couldn't read. His shirt had its top two buttons open, the tattoos looking darker at night.

"One kiss, sun. Just one." He leaned his face closer but I stopped him.

I have had three relationships till now and all of them just focused on the body. I learned to keep control of my body, because once you give in to everything they want then you are boring to men.

"No." My hand pressed firmly on his chest.

"Did I do something to earn this punishment?" Aw.. look at this 6'2 man being an innocent baby.

I shook my head, trying to not laugh.

"Then let me kiss you." His face came closer again but I turned my head to the side and he stopped.


"Please" His grip tightened.

"No, miles. Kisses are not for friends. You can kiss my cheek but on lips-" His growl cut me off.

"I kissed your cunt, I kissed your lips, I kissed your neck, I kissed your tits and you were fucking letting me do it. Now, you are thinking about being friends!? You should have stopped me before letting me taste you. Now, that you have let the lion taste your blood, you are running away!?" His eyes hardened.

"Well, now I'm saying no and you should stop. That time I was not thinking it through. Continuing this may ruin our friendship." I replied with the same tone.

"Do you think this is a game, sun? Am I a joke to you? Do you think you'll kiss me when you want and stop me when you want? This will not ruin anything but only lead us to be more than friends." He narrowed his eyes.

I didn't think that this would turn into an argument but he's not understanding my view. What happened that night was mutual and neither of us regretted it but it was one one-time thing. I'm not being friends with benefits with him.

"I don't want to be stuck in this mess of friends with benefits. What happened that night was a one-time thing-" I was cut off when he slammed me on the car door making me Whimper.

"How can you decide that yourself!? I fucked you and you were fucked by me, I have some right in this decision too, right? That night everything was mutual and everything about it has to be mutual too." His jaw clenched as he spoke through his teeth.

"You are making a big deal out of this. Not everything has to be about touch." He's overreacting, that's what I wanted to say but held back.

"Because you are a big deal to me. I have waited long to touch you and now that I have got the taste, you are taking it all away!? You know what, sun? You are selfish." He gritted his teeth but then widened his eyes after realising what he said.

"Yes, yes I'm selfish. So? Do you want me to be your pet and just serve you my body whenever you need me? I am selfish because I know what a man can do when he has a woman's heart and body. If I'm selfish you are not very innocent yourself." I pushed on his chest and he stumbled back.

I got into the car and locked the doors. He stood there with anger and guilt in his eyes. I squeezed my eyes to clear the blurriness before starting the car and driving away, not even glancing at him as I left.


I need more support on my stories guys.. I need the motivation to write..

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