chapter 1

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"Ugh!" She groaned now leaving her cabin for the third and last meeting for today. As soon as she entered the meeting room her body language changed to a very confident and bold one.
Sun is the main attraction wherever she goes. Her big body , long hip length black hairs which she likes to keep in bun , amber eyes with specs. Sun thought people looked at her as something odd but in reality people were just admiring her way of presenting herself , but some did judge her and it really affects her.

She sat down at her assigned chair, aware of the stares which made her breathing quick but she looked composed and calm outside. She continued her 1 hour long meeting avoiding the stares.

After 1 hour-

As the meeting finished Sun got up from the chair , said goodbyes to everyone and then exited the room with elegance.
Once out of the room she let out a deep breath and walked to her personal cabin.
While walking to her cabin she heard some girls talking about her.

"She doesn't look as good as she thinks."
"Yeah. She is too fat!"
"Have you seen her waist! It looks like 4x to ours."

Sun smirked at that and decided to walk past them even when she could have avoided them.
When the girls saw her coming their mouths shut themselves and a fake smile plastered on their lips.
One of the girl even greeted her saying-
"Good evening ma'am" with honey like voice.
Sun nodded at them as appreciation and walked off to her cabin.

Once she reached her cabin, she sat down on her chair with a deep sigh and leaned her head back with closed eyes.
She sat like that for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes she opened her eyes and then removed her coat hanging it on the chair and opened two top button of her dress shirt.
Once she was done she felt too exhausted to go through the presentations that are needed for tomorrow. So she decided to just go home.
Once she made up her mind, she went to the bathroom which is attached to her cabin and got freshened and removed her makeup.
After being done in the bathroom she sits at her chair again and started to collect her things so she can leave the cabin.
When she was packing her bag  she received a call on her phone. It was her boss.
Her boss knew her place and value in the company so he kept Sun as one of the trusted employees of the company.
And for Sun , her boss was a mentor to her. When she joined the company with no experience her boss helped her a lot. So she was very loyal to her boss.

On call.

"Sun?" Said the boss in his deep old voice.

"Yes sir" she said with respect.

"I have an emergency." He said in a panicked voice.

"Emergency? What is it sir?"

"There is a party which demands high quality work. There is no budget limit. They are requesting a meeting for the futher plans. Now!" He said in a calm yet scared voice.

"Ok.. so what's the problem sir? Mark and his friends can Handel that. I have already done three meetings today." She said in a polite and convincing voice.

"I know that you are done for today but mark and his group are.. not willing to do this meeting" he said in a frustrated voice.

"But why? They said they can Handel any meeting yesterday to me only. Then what's the issue now ,sir?" At this moment she has stoped all of her actions and was just focused on the conversation with her boss.

"They sounded a bit scared when I talked to them about this. And when I mentioned the party's name they refused straight away. They even agreed to get fired but they won't do the meeting." He said with a littel irritated voice.

"But-" she was cutted off by her boss.

"Sun. You are the only hope to handle this. And this party is willing to spend as much as we need. You have to do the meeting. It's a request." He said in an ordering voice rather then requesting one.

"Okay sir. But I'll do it on one condition. I'll take a day off tomorrow"

"Okay. Done. I'll send you the party's file , check it then be ready in the conference room in 30 minutes"

"Yes sir." She hangs up the call and looks at her watch to see the watch reading 7:30 pm.

After seeing the time she started getting ready for the meeting.
She wore her coat back on and buttoned her shirt then she went in the bathroom to look in the mirror and said to herself.
"Great! Now I have another meeting which will go on for probably an hour!! And I look like a boiled egg! Ugh!!" She mumbled to herself while fixing her pants and shirt and buttoned her coat.

Once she was done with her clothes. She thought of putting on some makeup. But her eyes went to her watch reading 7:45 pm so she skipped putting on makeup and went back to her chair now opening the party's file on her PC.

She read the name of the owner of the mansion that needs to be designed and froze.
"Miles Parron"
As soon as she recognized the name she felt relatable to Mark and his group.
She was doing a meeting with Miles Parron's people. And now she was nervous.
She knew that the owner maybe  also be present at the meeting but the chances of a mafiaboss being present here in this company was low but not zero.

She gulped nervously at this thought and went through the file.

She check the time again and it was 7:54. She stood up and took a manual and a dairy then steps out of the cabin now feeling her heartbeat running fast.

When she reached the conference room she opened the door thinking there's no one inside and steps in with her working personality. Her body posture straight and bold.

But as soon as her eyes roamed around the room her body froze.

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