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* SUN~

I woke up by Aunt Marry's call at 11am
To have breakfast. I decline to go there at first because I was too sleepy but after listening some harsh words from Marry, I decided to Freshen up and have breakfast at her's.

When I left my house and started walking I saw a BMW parked infront of Aunt Marry's house.

I am rich but not that rich to afford a BMW and my love doesn't have a car and her known one's rarely came to her's..

So who's car is that? Did anyone came unexpected at 11:30 am?

I knocked on the door since I knew just bragging in there would be rude when someone is visiting her.

I was still staring at the car behind me when the door opened and I turned to the door thinking Aunt Marry is there and spoke-

"Did someone ca-" I stopped once I saw who was there.

Miles Parron was standing there in a black shirt and some pants , the gold chain shining in sunlight around his neck, and his green eyes looking like crystals , staring at me.

"You? Why?" I asked still standing there frozen.

Just when he was about to open his mouth, I heard Aunt Marry calling us inside. At this he stepped back to let me pass and once I was inside he closed the door.

I reached the kitchen and spoke firmly.

"Love? What is he doing here?" I felt him behind me as I was standing in the doorway of kitchen.

After hearing me she turned to face me and came closer to kiss my cheek greeting me morning. And I greeted back still looking at her with questioning eyes.

"Come let's sit." She said leading me to the table After gesturing him to follow.

"I asked you something." I asked again after sitting on the chair and he sat opposite to me , staring.

"I invited him." She said sitting beside me now serving in three plates.

Aunt Marry knows that I don't like people interfering in my personal life.
She knows that I don't prefer unexpected visit by anyone. And after that too she invited him and then called me to come too!
Does she even knows who he is?!

"You know him?" I said now folding my hands on my chest knowing I'm braless and a shirt won't do enough to hide much

"No. I meet him in the park this morning only." She said giving him the plate full of breakfast, which he took with an innocent smile.

Why is Miles Parron here? And why haven't he told her his identity? Is he trying to kidnap us? How could she bring him here for breakfast?

"I need to talk to you. Come with me." I said holding her wrist and standing up.

We went to her room and I start speaking .

"Do you know his name? What he does? Where does he live? Do you even have an idea what he can do?" I said finding something to cover my chest from that mafia man , knowing I have to face him again.

"Yes. His name in Miles and he is not so pure. That's what he said." She said giving me a coat from her cupboard.

"He is a mafia!" I said taking the coat and wearing it.

"He is a sweet boy. He helped me in the park." She said ignoring that I said he's a mafia.

"God! He can kill us in a second!" I said holding her shoulders.

"He won't." She said shrugging my hands off.

"Don't freak out." She said while walking back to the kitchen.

She was loosing her mind tomorrow at me having a business meeting with him and now she believes him to not shoot us. Did he threatened her? But she won't back down this easily and put me in danger.

"Sun!! Come to eat breakfast!" She yelled from the kitchen.

I stomped my foot once then made my way to the dining table.

He stared at me suspiciously. I sat down and resumed eating.

We all ate in silence. When he was done he stood up and placed the plate in the sink and spoke.

"Can I do the dishes, Aunt?" He spoke in his deep voice for the first time after seeing me at the door.

"No Miles it's fine." She said with her sweet voice that I was getting irritated at.

Why is she talking to him like that ? He is a stranger.

"I want to do them, please?" He said in soft voice and I choked!

He said please! Miles Parron fucking said please to an old woman!!

They both looked at me while I coughed .

Aunt Marry was about to say something to him when I spoke.

"No. I do the dishes and I'll do them , Mr. Parron." I said looking straight at his green eyes with a cold voice.

And Aunt Marry pinched my arm!

"Ouch! What?" I said looking at her.

"Be nice." That's all she said.

And he fucking smiled at me getting pinched because of him!

"I am doing the dishes that's final." I stood up after taking mine and my love's plate and walked behind him to put them in the sink.

"We both can do it." He said towering over me.

"Yes. Yes. You both should do it." Aunt Marry's voice could be heard behind him , sounding very enthusiastic?

I leaned back a little to see her leaving the kitchen!? Why is she leaving me here alone with a mafia? Is she mad or what?

I was about to call her when he spoke in slow voice.

"Don't worry I won't eat you......yet." He said the last word in whisper and then stood beside me to do the dishes, his bicep touching my shoulder.

I gave him "I'm done'' face and then moved a little so I'm not touching him.

He moved closer again! And I don't have more space to move further.

"Mr.Parron , move a bit!"

"Ms. Sun , I won't have any space to wash if I move away even a bit so you have to adjust." He said not looking at me as if sensing guilt to make a lame excuse.

"You know what? You can do the dishes alone!" I said stepping away from him and sink causing him to look at me.

"Oh! Did I scare you so much that you are leaving the dishes?" He said with a smirk, mocking me.

"No! I am not scared!" I said now stepping towards the sink again in the same position from which I moved away from him.

He just nodded with a smile.

I wanted to say something mean but I didn't. Instead I started doing the dishes.

I noticed how he was touching my hands purposely and rub his arm to mine. And I would have pushed him if I wanted but I didn't.
As he was wearing a half sleeve shirt his tattooed hands were exposed and I noticed my eyes going towards them many time and i think he did too..

When I was done I just left him there and went to the livingroom where Aunt Marry was reading a book.

"My love~" I said sitting beside her with my hands wrapped around her waist.

"You stink!" She said with a teasing voice.

"Ok ok I'm going back to mine to take a shower." I said now leaving her and leaning back on the couch.

Just then he appeared in my vision and sat down on the couch beside ours.

As soon as he sat I stood up and went to the doorway now removing Aunt Marry's coat hanging it and then went out of the house to go to mine.

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