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He slowly pulled out after many kisses here and there. His cock slowly slid out of me making me release a gasp as I threw my head back. He was semi-hard and still ready for another session but I was spent.

He finally pulled out and a rough and deep growl left him. I had to bite my lip to not clench around his dick when he was pulling out but this growl was animalistic. I couldn't stop and I clenched my walls and his cum leaked out as my eyes stuck to his too-beautiful features.

He looked at his cum trailing down my slit and clenched his jaw firmly. His hand reached out and pushed it back into my walls, making me Whimper.

"Look at you. Such an ungrateful brat you are. You were fucking begging to be full and now you're leaking it out? Such a greedy slut you are baby." He kept whispering in my ear but his fingers never stopped going up and down my silt.

"I- I couldn't stop it." I whispered back, my breath hitching every time his fingers brushed against my used clit.

"Hm.. understandable." His hand stopped and I sighed in relief.

But the relief was short-lived when his hand smacked my clit. Not very softly or gently. I flinched and closed my thighs together instantly. My eyes watered and pussy pulsed. I looked up at his eyes which held nothing but a sinister look.

"Open them. Wide and apart. I want to see how you clench and waste my cum and then I'll make it more hurtful." A command and a warning.

I gulped at the thought of not clenching when he was looking so hot. I opened my thighs again, slowly. His hand was on it immediately. Creasing the skin around my clit and treasing the line where my thighs meet my pussy.


He smacked it again making me cry out and fist my hands to stop them from reaching to stop his hands but I forced myself to not clench.

"Good girl." He said while creasing my thighs, very slowly.

His praise made it all bearable. It made my stomach do things. Just when I was getting comfortable his hand came down on my red skin again.

"Hurts!" I squeaked and sat up to hug him and cling to his neck. My tears were rolling down my cheeks and onto his neck.

I realised sitting up was a bad idea when the cold counter touched the hot, red and sensitive skin between my thighs. A hiss left me before I bite down on his shoulder.

A groan left him and his both hands went to my ass to bring my hips to his. I Whimpered when his dick pressed on my pussy, my hands flew to his back just to scratch him there to suppress my urge to grind on his now-hardened dick. His grip on my ass increased and he pulled them apart making me dig my face harder in his neck.

"This is supposed to hurt, butter." His hand came down on my ass this time, making my hips jerk and grind myself on his dick in between my thighs.

"Please miles," I whined, grounding myself on the counter to prevent grinding on him again.

"Two more, hm? You can do that for me, right? Such a good girl." He started kissing my neck and collarbone. I know he's manipulating me but I couldn't stop the nod that my head did immediately.


His hand came down again on my other ass cheek. Harder this time. The sting travelled to my back as I moaned in his neck and dug my nails into his back. My teeth nipped harder on his shoulder to stop the urge to press my leaking cunt on his hard dick again.


This time I cried out and pressed my whole body to his. I could feel the burn and the wetness on me and it was fucking irritating. I couldn't stop the sob that left me, I bit down on his neck harder to stop another sob. My hips started grinding uncontrollably against his. The sweet pleasure after the pain was everything. His hands rubbed the burn away as I rubbed my wetness with his cum, on his dick pressed on my cunt. I kept nibbling and scratching him on his shoulder and back.

He let me do this for a few more seconds before holding my hips still on the counter. I whined and wiggled to be free but he just tightened his grip. I tried pulling his hips to me but he didn't budge.

"Stop it before I do something you'll regret in the morning. Don't push it, sun" He growled low in my ear which made me halt my actions.

"Do you not want this?" It was my insecurities speaking up. The thought of him seeing me as just a desperate girl was horrible. What if he regrets it now and doesn't want to touch me? Will he hurt me, abuse me? Did I fuck this up?

"Oh sun, you are so fucking innocent." He gripped my jaw and pulled my face up so that we were looking into each other's eyes.

"You are new to this. Your tears told me. I don't want this to be so intense yet. You need rest. Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He rubbed my cheeks with the back of his hands, reassuring me.

I could only nod before he grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulled it over my head to cover me and then picked his sweats to wear it on himself. His dick was still hard and glistening when he pulled the pants over it. I clenched my thighs together, involuntarily.

He got closer to me again and placed a hand under my knees and one around my waist. Before I could process anything he lifted me and turned to walk to my bedroom. I couldn't speak or even gasp, only my eyes were wide from the shock.

And he's fucking walking with me in his hands!?

I kept looking up at his side face until he placed me on the bed. He didn't say anything and left to go to the bathroom. He came back with a towel in his hands and sat in front of me.

"Stop looking at me like I'm some ghost." He comments sarcastically and then spreads my thighs.

I bit my lip when his hand again started creasing the sore skin between my thighs. His other hand brought the towel to clean the mess on my folds. I gasped and gripped his bicep when he pressed hard. He didn't stop and kept cleaning me until he was done. He brought his hands back and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

I was barely awake when a fresh smell and a warm body cuddled me from the back. His one arm around my waist and the other under my head, his bare chest pressed to my back and legs tangled with each other's.

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