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*  Miles Parron *~

I was laying down on bed trying to sleep but I kept thinking about her. The way she spoke to me , it made me feel something weird.
People are  scared of me then why was she talking to me like I'm just a normal person. Did she not know who I am?

Since childhood I carved to be treated normally. In school my classmates were friends with me because of my father being in mafia.. I never had a real friend and when I started   going to university, everyone was too scared to approach me and me being a introvert never tried to talk to anyone..

Now too when I go out, no one talks or behave normally.  They act like some robots..  it doesn't bother me most of the time but when I'm feeling low.. I have no one..
And that's how I got into fights.. knowing that I don't have anyone to talk or share my problem I turned it into aggression to fight in rings.. death matches.

But she treated me different. She treated me with respect but wasn't scared of me. She listened to my request but didn't accept it immediately. I got a little disappointed as it was new to me. Being declined was not my cup of tea.

I never dated anyone. I have had one night stands when I was younger but now its not that frequent. Now I fuck only when I fight, only to release that adrenaline pump in my body produced by fights..

She tempted me. After a very long time someone tempted me . I wanted to take her right in that room. I wanted her thick thighs wrapped around my head.

I was lost in my thought when I got an email from Dave.
I opened it and saw it was her file. Her whole life was there. There was no mention of boyfriends or friends.

So she doesn't have friends? But she looked so friendly. MARRY WILLIAM her guardian. So this is from where she got her sweetness.

Marry seems like an innocent woman. There was a dog too. Dusk. A labra. Sure.

She seems so different in file. By the file she is insecure and underconfident but when I saw her she was confident and bold. Does she pretends to be someone she is not? Is she really insecure?

Now I wanna know her more. I thought these information would help but no. They made me more confused.

In her story Marry seems as an easy way to get to her. Marry goes to park in morning,  I could meet her there..

Thinking about meeting Marry tomorrow I feel asleep.

(The next morning..)

Here I am standing in the park watching Marry talk to her friends.
As Marry sat alone on a bench I approached her and sat beside her on the bench.

She looked at me and smiled. I froze seeing her smiling at me like I'm normal. Just like how sun did in the meeting yesterday.
I smiled back and greeted her after realising that she is looking.

"Good morning, ma'am." I said slightly nodding my head.

"Good morning, son." She said patting my shoulder.

'Son' my mom used to call me that. Now she is dead, that too because of me and now after 4 years for the first time someone called me son.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before son." She said with that sweet voice of her's , that I am starting to like so much.

"Yes ma'am. It's my first day here."

"Don't call me ma'am. Call me your aunt. My daughter is of your age only." She said laughing.

"Ok aunt." I said politely.

She was about to say something when I saw a football being thrown towards her and I placed my arm in front of her to protect her old body from that very fast and hard ball.

And it was hard. Very fast and hard. It shook my arm.

Once the football rolled away from us I looked at her scared yet relieved face and I took my arm back.

"These kids are really a nuisance in the park. This is the third time this week they almost hit someone accidentally."
She said with irritated voice and reached towards my arm that I used to ditch that ball.

I saw here pressing here and there on my arm to check if I'm okay or not and I felt warmth inside of me. I felt cared.
I felt normal and not like a mafia.

"Are you okay son?" She was still checking the arm.

"Yeah. I am fine aunt." I said now taking her old hands in my rough ones.

Then she started talking about those kids being nuisance.

While she was talking I wondered how I was going to meet her just to get close to sun but now I like her presence too.
But at the same time I felt like I'm using her by not telling her who I am.. what I do.. maybe she doesn't know me and thinks I am normal..
I decided to tell her my name to see her reaction..

"Aunt?" I said looking at the ground

"Yes?" She said looking at my face

"I'm Miles Parron." I said slowly.

I felt her freeze and then after few seconds she spoke.

"Do you mean any harm to me?" She said slowly.

"No. I would never harm you or any innocent. Trust me. I'll never harm the person who cares for me." I said looking  at her wrinkled eyes speaking my heart out , for the first time in years.

She placed her hands on my interlinked ones and spoke with that sweet like honey voice.

"Then you are my son to me. It doesn't matter what you do." She said and took off her hands from mine.

"I'm...I'm..  not so pure." I said to let her know that I'm not normal.

"Your soule is. You eyes say many things if you allow them to say." She spoke standing up.

I stood up too walking with her towards the park exit.

"You are so nice, Aunt." I said walking beside her.

"I'm just not rude." She spoke softly.

We talked till we were out of the park.

"Have you had breakfast yet, son?" She asked turning to face me fully.

"No. Not yet."

"Then come with me, we can have breakfast together with my daughter."

I didn't expect to go to her house on our first meeting but it was a good offer to see Sun in the morning so I agreed.

We were in my BMW when I asked about sun to her.

"You have a daughter?" I said focusing on the road as I was driving.

"Yes. Her name in sun." She said enthusiastically. I smiled

"She lives with you?" I asked already know the answer.

Then we just talked about her till we  reached  her house.

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