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Marry didn't like how nonchalant Sun was in this conversation. She looked at Miles and gave him a quick smile , as if to soothe him a littel from Sun's indirect rejection.
Miles nodded in understanding manner though he knew there's still possibility that his offer would get approved by his woman.

The way this man was head over heels for her-

"Why can't you tell him now?" Marry asked Sun , raising a questioning eyebrow at her.

Sun, despite Marry's "not so happy expression", only narrowed her own already small eyes.

"Because." That is all Sun said before turning her head very sassily to look at the TV.

"That's not a reason!" Marry said almost yelling , making Sun flinch.

Miles felt his blood boil. He knew Marry was trying to help him but this is not how Sun should be treated. Atleast not infront of him.

Miles cleared his throat, grabbing both women's attention.

"It's okay aunt. If she needs time , that's totally fine. But Ms. Sun, either I'll take you with me or not go there at all , just so you know. And I'll keep waiting for your dicision." Miles said in very serious and assertive voice.

Sun eyed miles very sarcastically almost making him smirk.

"Mr. Parron, I really don't care if you don't go there. If you think that I can be  manipulated like this then you are so very wrong. I don't owe you anything."
Sun said with the same voice as Miles, confident and assertive.

Ofcourse she had to say this.

"I know Ms. Sun, I know it very well. Anyways, I'll take my leave now." Miles chuckled at Sun and the stood up from the couch.

"Why don't you have dinner with us-" Marry was about to say more when Sun interrupted Marry.

"No love, don't pressure him. He is a busy man. He might have to do som-"

Miles raised an eyebrow at Sun's urgency to make him leave, but he cut her off in between.

"No Ms. Sun , I'm done with today's work. I was going to my home to have dinner anyway , now I can have it here and taste Marry's hand made food."

Miles said sitting back down on the couch after Marry nodded in agreement with his dicision and before Sun could say anything else.

Miles saw Sun getting slightly annoyed at him, almost sulking.  He found it adorable rather then annoying. He is used to make people go against their will and he enjoys that irritation and anger on their face and the realization that they couldn't do anything made it more thrilling.

He sure is a sadist. No proof needed.

The dinner went great. It was great for miles , him eating while sitting directly infront of his woman and seeing her getting annoyed every time their eyes Meet.

For sun though, eating was a task, knowing that a very dangerous man was in her home , sitting at the same table and eating as if he is most sweetest person on eath. Sun felt a shiver down her spine everytime she caught him staring at her eating, shamelessly. She very professionally hide her nervousness with an irritated expression.

She did felt attracted towards him but her insecurities and self hate didn't really help the situation. She always thought that she was never made for relationships and stuff.

Marry knows what is happening on the dining table. Marry knew Sun very well but sometimes Sun confuses Marry too. Right now Marry could see that miles was monitoring and teasing Sun by his stares but his motive is never to disrespect Sun and her body. On the other hand Marry knew Sun was just acting to be annoyed but Sun was also not truly being herself and that's what confused Marry.

Sun never hasitated to express herself and share her thoughts and emotions honestly and loudly but Marry noticed Sun's  eyes and expressions saying very different thing around this time for first time in years. Sun's eyes held softness but her expressions had this hardness and edge to them, specially towards miles.

Right now too , Sun never liked or preferred to eat with strangers. She did have some problems with food and people , but now when she sat on the table, Marry didn't saw any hesitation in Sun's eyes. There was only a bit irritation but never nervousness.

Hmm.. interesting.

Marry after being finished eating food, stood up and left her plate in the sink then walked to the kitchen exit and turned around to see Sun and Miles looking at her , confused.

"I have to go to my friends house to get something urgently. I hope you both can do the dishes." Marry lied. She wanted sun and miles to talk , alone.

"What? I can go get it. Tell me which friend and address. I'll go-" Sun was cut off by Marry's voice.

"No. I have to meet my friend too and besides you two young people can chat and yeah , don't forget to do the dishes."
Marry then started walking to the main door without listening to sun.

"But- love!" That is all Sun said before banging her head on the table, in frustration. A littel too hard.

"Ow!"  Sun exclaimed, rubbing her forehead.

Miles chuckled with his rough voice.

"Careful." He said , reaching out to touch Sun's head but only earned a glare from sun.

Girl doesn't like touches , but craves for them too.

"Ok , no touching, but We can talk. It isn't like we are enemies or something. Right?" Miles said taking his hand back.

"We are not friends either." Sun said looking straight into his eyes to let him know she isn't lieing.

Before Miles could say something sun stood up from her chair and walked to the sink.

"I think you should go." She said rolling her sleeves up as she prepared to do the dishes.

"I think not. Marry asked us to do the dishes , not only you."
Miles stood up too and walked to sun. Towering her from behind.

"It's rude to let the guest do the dishes. You can go , I'll Handel the dishes." Sun said while pressing her belly to the sink so that there is some space between them.

Miles noticed Sun's action and took a littel step back sensing Sun's discomfort from being touched by him.

"Oh? And making a guest leave forcefully is not rude?" Miles said getting on her right side so that she can stand comfortably with worrying about being touched.

Sun did noticed his take on respecting her boundaries and released a soft sigh of relief.

Sun didn't reply and started to wash the dirty plates.

Miles stood there leaned on the counter. He took his time admiring Sun's beauty from being this close. He noticed how Sun's hair are in a bun like always but the baby hairs peaking from behind her soft ear , where they were tucked. Her ear piercing touching her chubby cheek everytime her head shook. Her eyes moving here there as she cleaned the dishes and those lashes touching her round cheek everytime she blinked was too adorable. Her full lips and the specs sitting on her nose made her look like a teddy.
Her barely there collarbone looking too tempting to bite.

Miles took a deep breath to calm his thoughts. Sun noticed this and raised an eyebrow at him , asking him a reason without really speaking.

"Nothing. Let me do this now." Miles shrugged before grabbing the plate which was in her hand.

Miles thought that sun will lose her grip on the plate and tugged it towards him but sun was not really paying attention to Miles' action and didn't let lose her grip.

As Mlies tugged the plate towards himself Sun got tugged too, resulting in her crashing herself on his hard chest.

As sun crashed on him , miles lost the balance and fell back on the ground with Sun on top of him.



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