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I told Marry about the conversation I and Miles had about the party thing, once Miles left after having the cake and reminding me again that he'll pick me up on the day itself.

Now, it's the next day and I am home just like the last 3 days. I took leave from office for some days as my annual leaves were piled up and me and my team cracked a big deal so we needed a reward.

Marry didn't let me go to mine last night as it was late when I finished telling her about the party thing, so I slept here at Marry's.

I woke up by the sound of rustling of clothes.

I opened my eyes , lazily and saw Marry had opened some cupboards of clothes.

"What are you doing ?" I asked slowly sitting up.

I am not ready for anything right now. I don't work properly after just waking up.

Marry peaked from the cupboard's open door, and smiled before making her way to the bed where I was sitting.

She sat beside me and pulled me in a hug which I gladly returned by snuggling into her neck.

My comfort.

"Good morning , sweet cheek" She chuckled.

"Morning, love" I pulled back from the hug with a smile that made a littel difficult to see because of my cheeks getting to my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I looked around the room just to find clothes scattered here and there.

"Finding a dress" She said going back to the cupboards.

"Dress? Where are you going?" I voiced confused. I had started unbraiding my hairs which were in a braid the whole last night.

A daily routine.

"Me? No where." She shrugged.

"Huh-? Then why are you finding a dress?" I was now making a bun of my hairs.

"It's for someone else. Not for me."


"You , dumbo" She rolled her eyes.

"Me? Oh- for that party?" I remembered .

"But why are you finding dresses? This isn't some wedding reception. It's a business party!" I exclaimed while approaching her , looking at the closet.

She was digging through the dresses I wore in collage events. There was glitter and shine in that closet , Looking like a princess' glittery room.

Nope. Not at all.

"Then what are you going to wear? Those work pants and some shirt?" She turned around to face me and placed her wrinkled hands on her waist.

"What's wrong in shirt and pants? They look professional."

Shirt and pants were cool for business party.... right?

"Are you out of your mind? You can't wear shirt and pants to a party!"

"Why can't I? It's just a business meeting after all." I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom.

"I won't let you wear pants to a party. Do you even know how parties work?" She followed me and stood at the doorway , leaning on the door as I started brushing my teeths.

I thought a littel while brushing. It's been a while since I went to a party , maybe a couple of years. I think it was some reception and I wore a dress.

God it's been years since I wore a dress.

"Ofcourse." I spit out the toothpaste and cleaned my face.

"Then tell me how does it work?" She said folding her hands and raising an eyebrow.

"So, you get a invitation and then you dicide what you want to wear and then you wear it and go to the party then congratulate the person and then leave. Yeah, that's it." I smiled proudly as I explained while drying my face with a towel and then exited the bathroom , Marry, obviously followed behind.

"And when do you wear makeup and style your hair and when do you say hi to the people in the party?" She asked following me to the kitchen and started to make breakfast as I took sat on the counter .

"That's all optional things. You wear makeup or you don't wear makeup that's up to you. Same for hairs and talking to people."

She snapped her head so fast towards me that I got startled.

"You are kidding , right? You better be."

"But I'm not-" she cut me off.

"God! Please sun. You are 23 and not a tomboy teenager anymore! You are a woman now , so act like it."

"I am acting like a woman. What do you mean?"

"Ugh! Sun, please. Let me dress you up for this party. Ok?" She said while giving me a plate of breakfast.

"Why are you so... excited about this? It's just a business party thing"

She hit me on the back on my head , not so hard.

"Shut up. Be ready in the evening for shopping."

"What shopping?" I said while rubbing my head where she just hit me , just to make her guilty. But who was I kidding , she knows me.

"For your dress. Don't worry there won't be much crowd." She left the kitchen with that.

Thank God. I don't like crowds. They make me anxious.


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