Miles Parron and Sun

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As soon as she saw who was in the conference room her mind went blank for sometime but she came back to her professional mode quickly and proceeded to sit at the table opposite to two people.

A man in his 20's and MILES PARRON himself

As she was walking to the chair to sit she could feel his eyes roaming on her body.

As soon as she sat opposite to them she starts speaking.

"Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen. "

She said professionally knowing that her heart is beating like crazy. As she was saying this she looked at the two men. But as soon as her eyes left the other man's eyes and met his she got a little distracted by looking at his green eyes which held darkness in them.
She looked back at the desk to compose herself.

"It's fine miss, we are a bit early." Said the boy who looked in his 20's.

"Sun. Call me Ms. Sun." She said with a smile.

"What should I call you, mister?" She looked at them again , noticing Miles eyes staring back at her.

"I am dave osman. And he's-" as soon as the boy said his name and was about to introduce the man beside him, he was cut off by the man himself.

"Miles Parron. " the man said in his deep voice which sent shivers through her spine and placed his hands interlinked on the desk. Noticing the way her eyes stayed on his hands for a brief moment.

She took a deep breath noticing that she was getting distracted. And spoke again.

"Okay. So Mr. Osman and Mr. Parron , may I know your demands? Such as the work, budget, limitations and all."
She said with confidence and maintaining eye contact knowing very well that she was going crazy inside.

The meeting continues with Osman and Sun speaking and Miles staring at her. Making her nervous.

After 45 minutes.

"Okay. So Mr. Osman and Mr. Parron is there anything else that you want to discuss about?" She said professionally.

"No. We don't have anything else to discuss about. It was a great meeting and we'll be willing to invest in this company. But I was wondering if I could talk to your boss-." Dave osman said with requesting voice.

"Yeah sure. I'll call him here-" she was cut of by Miles.

"I think dave can go to your boss' cabin to talk to him. I would like to discuss something with you ms. Sun." He said signaling dave to go.

This was the only time he spoke in the whole meeting and that too for talking alone with me!?

"I can call my boss here. Mr. Osman don't need to bother-" she was trying to convince dave to not leave her alone with the mafiaboss. But was cut of by dave osman himself .

"No Ms. Sun. I would like to talk to him alone." He said in hurry as if scared.

"Okay fine Mr. Osman." She said professionally but was nervous inside.

Once osman left she was now alone with the Miles Parron.

She looked at him with confidence noticing his green eyes looking back at him.

"What do you need to discuss about, Mr.Parron?" She said boldly.

"Call me Miles." He said with his dangerously deep voice.

"I can't, Mr.Parron. we don't call clients with there first name while working"

"Hmm.. you are very professional." He said now leaning back on his chair.

"Thank you , Mr.Parron. so what do you need to discuss about?" She just wanted to leave the room now.

"What will you do in the deal we just confirmed? Like what are you specialized in?"

"I am a designer. But for this deal some other more experienced designer will be assigned. You don't have to worry about that, Mr.Parron . The designer will be there at the mension when the architect is done." She said professionally.

"Hmm... why can't you design my mension? I have noticed you are professional in your work."

"My schedule is packed Mr. Parron. And I don't work by going on the site. I work from the office only."

"But I need you to work on my mension. its a request " He said in very assertive voice.

She thought a little about how he is saying that he is requesting. She felt littel weird seeing the Miles Parron requesting to her.

"I'll consider your request Mr. Parron. It's long time for the designing to be done. I can't say anything right now."

"Ms.sun-" He was cut of by the knock on the door and dave osman's entry.

Before Dave could enter -

"Out." Miles commanded. Which made her flinch and Dave was out in a second.

"So , Ms. Sun will you work in this project?" He said as if nothing happened.

"I'll think about it." Sun said.

"Then we'll start the work after you have made up your mind." Said Miles with a weird tone. Like he's challenging  her.

"But-" she thought for a bit and then decided to agree since its just work and she won't see him again since he doesn't live here.
"Okay. I'll work on this project." He smiled at that.

"Is there anything else you need to discuss about Mr.Parron?"

"No. Ms. Sun. I'll see you around."

Then he stood up leaving her astonished. Seeing his 6'2 figure dressed in a three piece suit made her feel things inside.
She too stood up.

"Sure Mr. Parron."

After that he left taking big steps screaming confidence.

Once he left , sun sighed in relief and took her diary and started walking towards the door to leave.

When she stepped out of the conference room she was about to bump into a hard chest which smelled like richness.

"Oh!" She took a step back sensing the closeness. And when she looked up she was shocked to see.

"Mr. Parron?" She asked looking at him.

Miles on the other hand was shocked to see her so close. Her chubby cheeks , her plump lips were too captivating.

"Mr. Parron?" She asked again noticing he is not answering.

"Huh?.. um.. yeah?" He was now embarrassed that he didn't listen her the first time.

"I thought you left Mr.Parron. "

"Yeah. I did but I wanted to know how can I be in contact with you? You have to update me on the progress of this project, right?" He said with softness which was shocking to him as well.

"I'm sorry Mr. Parron but I don't give my personal contact in professional business. You can call on the company's number." She said politely.

"Now may I pass?"

"Sure." He stepped aside to let her pass but his eyes never left her body until she disappeared.

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