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I was driving back to home from his building. That encounter was really unexpected.

I have been delaying this meeting for a long time , sometime I was too tired or othertime I was late but today when I received a call from Mrs. Smith telling me that now is the peak time, I needed to go.

Mr. - Mrs. Smith were architectures and they were looking for a company to associate with and I knew them from my collage days so I suggested them to get connected with my company.

They were old couples so not many companies were looking forward to work with them and when I told my boss he was also hesitant but he gave in with littel convincing.

And I after got the call from Mrs. Smith , I left the office at around 10 after informing aunt Marry that I'll be late.

And it was really late when I left their apartment.

Him being there was a incident. He looked tired and handsome ofcourse.

His black watch looked too tempting. His green eyes complimenting his black tie. I almost slipped my mask of being bold, I felt small around him.

Being the big girl since childhood , it was weird and confusing when I feel small around him.

Thinking about him I reached my home. I parked the car in the front yard of my house , I got out of the car and head inside the house.

I knew Marry would be sleeping so I didn't disturb her by going to her house. I got changed , ready to sleep.

I skip dinner. I usually skip meals , if it weren't for Marry I would bearly eat during the day. Being fat since childhood , and getting trolled for it, really did affect my eating habits.

I never overeat, my fat was just there since birth and I haven't tried to lose it so that's the reason I'm me.

Going through teenage being 100kg wasn't haven for me , it was quite the opposite. I was stubborn,  I wanted people to accept me as I am so I didn't show anyone but I was cutting off my meals , Marry noticed but didn't confessed me. She just slowly molded me into eating more, distracting me from my eating disorder but they never fully left.
I still don't eat because I'm hungry , I only eat when Marry askes me to eat. I don't feel hunger anymore.

I scrolled through Instagram for an hour or so and then I slept.

I woke up in the morning by doorbell going off , repeatedly and aggressively. I went to the door opening it to see aunt Marry , looking angry. What did I do this time?

"Did you eat dinner last night?" Marry said as she passed by me , inside the house, going towards the kitchen.

I closed the door and followed her , knowing I'm in trouble.

"I.. I..  uh.. " I didn't want her to get more angry but I also didn't want to lie to her.

"You didn't! I knew it!" She opened the fridge wide to show me the dinner plate inside it. Ofcourse she had to do that.

"I.. uh.. I was too sleepy to eat. Yeah." I made an excuse, and she didn't buy it.

She took the plate out , heading towards the door.

"I know how much sleepy you were! Come there in 10. Don't be late." She spat out and left the house going to her's.

Such a fiesty old woman.

I was standing there in the kitchen dumbfounded, wondering what happened just now. I don't work well in morning, I need atleast an hour of just peace to start the day.

But now I better hurry up or mother Marry will explode like a volcano. I love how possessive she is , it made me feel just like a loved being.

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