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It has been a couple of weeks after that party and Miles was no where to be found.

I started going to the office from the next day after that party night and I even visited his mension , just to inspect the sight, but he wasn't there.

I met Dave and asked him about miles but all he knew was that miles has gone out of this country.

It was midnight when I closed my laptop and then head to bed. The wind clashing against the windows with the heavy rain falling on them and far away thunders could be heard. It made the atmosphere littel cold and I liked how my heater kept the place warm. My cozy littel place. Marry was in her's.

I was about to sleep when my phone went off. I ignored it for the first time but then it rang again. I sat up and then  checked who's calling at this hour.

Miles parron.

I freeze seeing the name. Why is he calling me at this hour? And after 2 weeks of being away he is suddenly calling that too in this whether? I was in my thoughts when the calling shut off for the third time.

I waited for few seconds to see if he'll call again or not. He didn't and I kept the phone on the nightstand again. I was about to lay down again when my doorbell went off.

Who the fuck comes to someone's home in the fucking Strom!?

I grumbled and then made my way to the door. I peaked from the hole but due to the rain I couldn't really see who is it. I only knew it was a man , big man. I gulped and picked up the ceramic vase in my hand. Gotta be careful.

When I opened the door , I almost dropped the vase. He was there. Drenched in rain , his eyes blood shot red , his lips busted and trembling , his one hand on the side wall balancing himself and his black shirt was ripped diagonally from his ribs to his abs.

"Wh-what happened to you? Ho- why- who did this?" I placed the vase back and then opened the door wide for him to enter inside.

He groaned taking a step ahead  and almost tripping on the doorstep. I reached ahead to support him by pulling his hand over my shoulder and leading him to the couch.

Once he was settled down I finally noticed how much damage he really had. Due to the low light at the doorstep and the rain I didn't notice the open wound on his ribs , peaking through the shirt that's torn. It was pretty bad. His body had blood all over , lips , forehead,   chest , ribs and god knows where..

"Talk to me Miles. How did this happen?" My brain was froze. I didn't know how to Handel this.

He shook his head side-by-side  and reached his hand out , urging me to hold it. His hand was freezing cold and I hissed.

"You are freezing, Miles!" I started unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt. The more he stays in these wet cloths the more he'll get cold.

He was just staring at my face not saying a thing. Was he drunk? Probably. Will I kick him out tonight? No. Can he still kill me? Fucking yeah.

"Get up. Let's go to my room , there's heater there and you can change into something else. Come." I stood up and then helped him stand up too.

He walked just fine up the stairs beside me. Ofcourse,  I won't let him walk the stairs behind me.

I made him sit in the bathroom , on the stool I had and then went to grab some cloths.

Now , I am a big woman and I knew my cloths can fit him but he is still much taller than me. I had picked out some  sweatpants and an oversized shirt which sits just below my knees. I made my way back in the bathroom , just to see him half naked.

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