Chapter Thirty Five

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I didn't even notice the gash on my cheek, how nice.

Eventually, once I felt the blood drip,, I thought I was crying or something. I touched it and looked at it and went: "Oh! Oh. Oh......"

"Idiota" Bianca murmured, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I probably deserve that." I replied.

"Let's just get it clean and bandage my shoulder, As well as your scars." She said, shaking her head, "Yep, As you wish. We got a party to throw" I winked.

We were at the party hosted by none other than the defenders of the flag. I turned my head as a woozy Amelia walked over.

"Were you drinking?" I questioned. "Mmmm maybe.. maybe not, Either way I am old enough" She smirked.

"Lay down or something girl, Are there even restrictions with you huntresses?" I asked. "Nah, nothin' too serious, besides, Lady Artemis knows I don't listen to shit." I shook my head. And Bianca thought I was the dumb one.....

"Oook, but I'm out for the night. Tell Sienna she neeeds to drag me to my tent lateeer." She said, dragging out a few words. Sighing, Bianca added: "Sure, I'll go find her"

The older campers drank, although I don't know how they got the alcohol in. Probably the work of Hermes cabin or something.

Everyone had a blast, huntresses joined in and it really lightened the spirits of many

I crashed into some guy accidentally. Apologizing, I continued my search for.. literally anybody to talk to.

Zoe. Was busy with her sisters. Bianca. Probably helping the huntresses take their drunk friends as they don't accept help from males. Thalia, talking to Annabeth.

Luke and Liam were probably making out in a corner, so appropriate..

I saw Nico, Active but not near anyone and walked up.

He seemed nervous. "Something up?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm fine" He replied. Totally.

"Ok," I paused. "Continue" He said, knowingly. "Are. You. Ok." I said.

"Nah" Nico replied. "What's up?" I questioned. "I don't know, I feel weird, and I don't know how to share anything about it." He said.

I smiled sympathetically, "I can relate, kinda, Not really understanding things, yet feeling them all the way"

"Exactly-" He was cut off by a booming voice,

"Campers and Hunters!! Party is done, go to your respective cabins and rest, you've all had a long day. Todays game was wonderful though, nobody was killed. Sure, a few broken arms, and a leg but this was by far the best Capture the Flag" Chiron announced.

Groans of protest as many were having fun, "Goodnight everyone" He said, walking away.

"Night," I murmured, walking back to my cabin.
3rd person:

"Morning campers! Today is the day we choose who shall go on the Quest!" Chiron announced.

"Perseus Jackson"

A string of curses was heard. "Hon, there are kids here" Bianca said.

"Bianca Di Angelo"

A loud sigh, "Not again."

"Zoe Nightshade"

"Yes, I accept my fate" She said.

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