Chapter Four

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Hunter Pov:

I was really nervous because the first time I tried to propose I found the girl ghosted me, So I'm just gonna do it as what I feel for Nyx feels truer than what I felt for Athena.

After getting several encouraging smiles from her kids I asked her to follow me to the balcony.

"Yea sure what's up?".

"I was wondering if uh.. you uh alright I'm gonna power through this, Ireallylikeyouandiwantyoutomarrymebutpleasedontdeclineasiwillbeheartbroken!".


"I Really like you Nyx like even love you I don't even know I've never felt this way for anyone before will you marry me?".

"No loser I'm already married get heartbroken".


After that horrifying picture I actually said it and this was her response

"Yes I will marry you I've liked you ever since I met you!".

( I realize I probably rushed this but who the hell cares yes because dating for a week is enough to propose...? RIGHT??!??!? Pfft who am I kidding it definitely isn't but I'm not writing twenty million chapters on a fanmade character and a primordial's relationship so...)

"Like actually?". I deadpanned

"Yes you idiot". She said and I laughed

"That's shocking anyways how's Percy doing??". I asked

"He's doing alright I feel he is a little excited to come out and meet his family!".

"Well let him know we're also excited to meet him!".

"Anyways he should be here in a around 3 days".
Said a voice in the background

"You think so Hemera?".

"I know so".

"Alright well I can't wait!". I said

"None of us can, we all wanna meet our new sibling" Hemera replied

"Well happy to know that my children are excited for another brother". Nyx said

"Anyways with you and hunter engaged doesn't that make him immortal?". Hemera asked

Just then Three people flashed in.

"Yes Hemera that does make him immortal and we are here to give him his domains". The one on the right said

"Domains what are those? And who are you three?" I asked

"We are the Three Fates we control well, fate". The middle one said

"Ok...and what are "domains".I asked

"Domains are what beings of power control like Nyx is the Primordial of Night so her domains reside over night and shadows and other things, so as you are her husband your domains will be somewhat similar to hers". The middle one said

"Beings of Power that's like the gods and everything higher right?"

"Yes" the left one said

"So does that make me a god?".

"Yes you are Hunter, minor God of Shadows, Night,Darkness, and major God of Hellfire."

(Yes hellfire is very much made up,)

"What's hellfire?". I asked

"Its similar to Greek fire except it's even harder to cool out, and only some people have minor control over it so your lucky to have major control over it". Says Nyx

"Oh that's cool also is this going to hur- holy shit that hurts".

"I'm sorry that's what happens when people get turned into gods-" Nyx said

"AHHHHH" I screamed as the pain was too much

"Shhhhh it's ok it's ok...." Nyx said trying to help.

Then I passed out.

-2 Days Later-

Nyx Pov:

He still hasn't woken up what if he never what if he never wakes up what if he doesn't meet Percy... what if- my thoughts cut if when Nemesis was telling me "he's not dead he's just out for a bit he should wake up soon".

"Mom he's regaining color". Said Hemera

"Really?" I asked eagerly

"Yes he's looking a bit more like you and Thanatos though".

"And what's that supposed to mean not very young lady". (eyebrow raise) I said

"Uh.. we'll you both look kinda sad and dark most of the time so......."


"What it's true even Aether agrees with me!".

"Oh then he about to get a smack on the head later-".


I flashed to the room immediately

"Are you alright?" I asked urgently

"Yeah in alright I feel stronger but I'm alright".he said

"That's good anyways you were out for 2 days". I said

"2 whole days?!" He asked

"Yes, but don't worry you should be a god now,"

"OH!". "I forgot about that"

"Obviously" could be heard faintly from in the other room

"Thanatos what are you doing".

"Eavesdropping, what does it look like I'm doing". He said

"Eris make  you?" I asked

"Fuck no"  he had the audacity to say

"LANGUAGE!". I said

"Sorry..." he said unconvincingly

"Alright well I hope you meant it". I said

He mumbled something incoherent in response

"Anyways Hunter you should rest for a bit then we can test out your new powers".


-The Next Day-

Hunter Pov:

Apparently we're testing my powers or something but I don't  really want to but I'll do it I guess.

Wait don't we have a child coming today..



"Can we not do the training as you are having a child today". I asked

"Oh right I kinda forgot about that".
"It shouldn't take that long though". She said

"Training or having a child?". I asked

"Both". She said

"How is having a child not take a lot of time?".

"Children are born faster for goddesses and some gods".

"Oh ok, wait gods how does that work-"

"Don't ask" she said and baby Percy just appeared in her hand

"Is that him?".

"Yes see not that long anyways let's go show him his siblings and and Annabeth".


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