Chapter Seventeen

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-in the lotus casino-

Percy Pov:

We walked in the casino and it was very crowded, I walked up to the front desk and they handed us the room keys already?

"Excuse me Sir but don't we need to pay for these?". I asked.

"No everything here is free". He said.

"Alright..." I said suspiciously

He walked away and I walked to Annabeth and Grover.
Annabeth was looking at the interior designing.

"Guys he gave these to us for free!". I said.
"Actually??". She asked.
"I think it's a little suspicious". Grover Said.

"So do I but I guess we should just uh.. go with it? And just stay the night then leave". I said.

"Alright" Grover said.

"I'm gonna go play games now!". I said and happily skipped off.

"What are the room numbers?". Annabeth asked.

"607-608" I yelled from a distance.

"THANKS!" I heard faintly.

As I was on my way I bumped into a girl with olive colored skin and dark hair, she gave off a vibe of power and I assumed she was a child of the "Big Three".

"I'm so sorry!". I said rushed.

"It's fine it's also partially my fault I was looking for my brother". She said.

"Oh what does he look like?". I asked.

"A bit like me but younger" she said.

"Look I think I see him". I said and pointed.

"Oh that's him!". She said.

"NICO!". She yelled.

"Bianca?". He asked.

"Yes Nico now get your butt over here". She said.

"Alright alright". Nico said.

"Nico meet......."
"Percy. "Percy Jackson". I finished.

"Hi!! Percy I'm Nico!". He said jumping.

The girl I now knew as Bianca sighed.

"Yes and I'm Bianca". She said.

"Nice to meet you both...want to be friends?". I asked.

"Sure!". Nico said.

(Recall ur memories back to kindergarten when making friends was this easy 🥲)

"Anyways which room is yours?". Bianca asked.

"607 and 608". I said.

"Oh coincidence our room is 599 so we're just down the hall!". She said.

"Oh that's nice maybe we'll see each other around?". I said.

"Yeah maybe". She said.

"But uh I'm gonna tell you right now that me, my sister and friend are going to be leaving tomorrow so do you wanna travel with us?". I asked.

"Sure do y'all have like a home?". She asked.

"Yah it's at Long Island". I said.

"Alright we'll go with you". She said.

"Cool we'll see you guys later I'm gonna go play some games". I said.

"Bye Percy!". Nico shouted from a distance.

I laughed. "Bye Nico!". "Bye Bianca".

I ran to the room.

"Annabeth!" I said.

Percy Jackson - Son of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now