Chapter Twelve

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9:00 P.M.
Percy Pov:
As the sky thundered and the waves crashed along the shores. I wondered what happened to cause such a chaotic result.

Could it be a sign? Was something stolen? I'm going to ask Annabeth about it.

At athena's cabin.

A/N: She stays in athena's cabin, as well as nyx's selectively, switching cabins occasionally.

When I knocked, Her half brother Malcolm opened the door. "Can you get me Annabeth please?" I asked. "Yeah, give me a minute or two," He replied.

A few minutes later he returned with Annabeth trailing behind him. "Anything important you want?" She questioned. I probably disturbed her 'work'

I signaled to the 'secret' area we both made, mainly me but you get the point. Only a few people know about it though. Liam, Luke, Me, and Annabeth. "So now that we're here, what do you need?." She asked.

"So, you see the weather, it's unusual based on how reports say it was supposed to be sunny. therefore, something altered it, hence, the gods. But I don't know why, care to help me out here?" I said

"Stolen." "That was the word I overheard Chiron and Mr. D. talking about" she said. "They gonna make us go on a quest probably then, the gods never do their own work."

"I know right, well hopefully we should be able to succeed and get the quest anyways. Why are we here anyways nothing ever happens?" She replied 

"Fate is cruel. And people don't like us very much much, I don't see how we'll get picked." I said. "True, Everybody always seems to have a problem with us."

"Death, Something I haven't worried about in ages. If we go we wont die would we?" I said. "Probably not." She answered. "We always end up.. Dodging it?" I added.

"Off track now so what are we gonna do about the possibly quest". I asked.

"No idea, But I do think we should tell Luke, as he's always looking out for us, and he could be worried about the bipolar weather." Annabeth said.

"True, But he's always with Liam somewhere, so i'd assume they'd be in Demeter cabin, Since Hermes cabin is always so full." I added. "Yeah, my plan, cover our eyes, walk in, and scream. "Bitch get some clothes on we gotta talk."  Annabeth said. "Pff, Lets do it." I replied.
~At Demeter Cabin~

I shuddered.

"We ready?". I asked beth


We charged.

✨PoV sWiTcH✨

Luke Pov:

"Ah.... Fuck you." I said, after hearing the annoying voices of none other than Annabeth and Percy Jackson. "You love us anyways, just get clothes and we'll talk." Annabeth said. "cockblock" I murmured. "Heard that." Percy snapped.

Once decent we told them they could uncover their eyes.

"Ew you're shirtless." Annabeth said, immediately after uncovering her eyes. "It's not that bad, besides I have a 6-pack and I'm sure Liam does not mind." I replied. "I really don't!" Liam chirped.

"Not the point. Let's just explain and get this over with." Annabeth set. "Basically the gods have problems, evidence is the ever so clear terrible weather, We hope there is a quest for it. And thats about it." Percy said.

"So basically you want to leave and you want to save the world from a possible biggest war of the century?" I asked. "Basically. We just wanted to tell you not to worry!" Annabeth said.

"Groups of three, Who would be the third member?" i questioned. "Grover, Saytrs are recommended and besides he's a good friend." Percy replied. "Nice choice, besides that'll stop him from eating our cans-" Liam said.

"Isn't that good for the environment?-" Annabeth asked. "Yes but he comes by often to get them and we're busy doing activities and other things that we never have time to set them out." I said. "Whatever I guess, Anywho, enjoy your night, do something proactive in the morning, and stop kicking out Katie and Miranda as much as you do." Percy said. "Petition to get separate rooms in each cabin, theres my thought." Liam said. "I'd sign." I agreed.

"Yeah thats cause you're both weird and do weird things." Annabeth said. "Well, At least i'm dating someone." I replied. "Alright just get out and let us sleep in peace." Liam said.

"Fine, Only for my honorary brother and his boyfriend though. Also don't worry about us, if we get on the quest I mean, We have managed not to die or have gotten severely injured yet so we should be fine. Besides we've cheated death a few times." Percy said.

"What point of go away do you not understand". I said.

We shoved them out the window.

Time for a question ig

Which book is your favorite?

Let me know or don't have a nice life :)

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