Chapter Twenty Seven

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3rd Person Pov:

"Campers I Have decided to reinstall the Chariot Races" Said Tantalus.

Groans came from the campers until one voice spoke up and said

"Sir I mean no disrespect but the Chariot Races are very dangerous and a few campers have already died from them"

"Well Clarisse the winners of these races has no chores for a month" Said Tantalus

An eruption of cheers and gasps were heard from the tables as the campers were mumbling about who they wanted for each cabin to drive and attack and who they thought would win.

"I think me and Bianca should run this cabins race" Percy said

"What would I do?" Bianca asked

"You could drive and I could attack" Percy said shrugging "Or the other way around"

"Why would I participate in a chariot race" She asked

"Well it could be something we could bond over?" Percy said

Bianca's face went a small shade of red as she said "Oh! Of course let's do it and I don't really mind which I do".

Nico eyed her suspiciously.

"Annabeth is gonna do this with her and Malcolm as they usually would and the only cabins we should be worried about is Ares and Athena as they are both war related cabins and clarisse does not play fair" Percy said

"Ok but I think we should plan how we're gonna play in the cabin so that way nobody will overhear the plans" Nico said

"Good idea" Bianca said

The three of them walked back to their cabin as breakfast was ending.

They all begun to work on the chariot and they decided to do horses made out of hellfire as Percy has some control over the fire and it is much similar to Greek fire and cannot be put out easily. (completely my idea is someone else uses the idea of hellfire it's either based on mine or it already exists and I completely forgot abt it)

After they built the chariot they started painting it black and then started to paint white dots on the sides while adding a painted chariot with horses of darkness pulling it to represent Nyx and her passage to make the world dark.

When they finished adding the details and it look shiny and looked animated, as if the stars were moving but that was just how the effect looked.

"This is beautiful" Bianca said

"We did a great job" Percy said wiping paint off his face

"Percy you have black paint in your hair" Nico said

"I do?" Percy asked

"Yes although you can barely see it because your hair is already black" Bianca said

"Oh, ok I'll wash it out later" Percy said

After they finished the three of them went to the training room in the cabins to cabin

"Woah look I can finally pick up a sword!" Nico said

"That's great Nico now you can start to practice by attacking the dummies but if you do end up basically killing it more should respawn" I said

"Alright thanks!" He said and walked away

Percy walked over and started helping Bianca with her stance because it was off.

"Ok so first thing you do is make sure you feet are in the right place but when it starts your probably gonna move anyways so just make sure you can stay light on your feet and can move really fast" Said Percy

Percy Jackson - Son of NyxDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora