List of Powers

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This is the List of Powers that Percy and Annie got from the blessings and the ones they naturally have.

Tartarus- Immunity to the Toxic Air in Tartarus, Some control over monsters.

Nyx- (more than Percy already had as a child of Nyx ) Control over Shadows and NightVision, As well as able to be healed by the Darkness, Shadow Traveling

Hunter- Control over Hellfire and some other things that may come later on.

Eris- Ability to make people go crazy/cure insanity, control over strife.

Thanatos- Control over Shadows, control of the dead, can kill with a touch.

Nemesis-Enact Revenge fitting of certain actions.

The Fates- More control over Fate and can see the future occasionally.

Hemera- Can control daylight and glow (will solace stuff yk) Not get blinded by Sunlight.

Aether- Control over Wind and Sky, Flying, Can make Clouds.

Hypnos- Can make anyone fall asleep with just a touch, Only needs 1 Hour of sleep to feel energized.

Percy's Natural DemiPrimordial Powers-
Battle reflexes (ADHD)
Basic control over Nyx's domains things

Annabeth's Natural Demigod Powers-
Naturally Smart
Battle Reflexes (ADHD)
Basic Control over Athena's Domain things
Dyslexia (Ancient Greek Language)

While I am thinking about this I never described what Percy and Annabeth looked like.

Percy has one Black Eye and one Sea Green Eye but depending on his really strong emotions the Sea Green eye will Change colors, later on he will have a similar build to what he looks like in the original books

Annabeth has Two Grey eyes but one has flecks of Sea Green in them and she will also look similar to what she does in the original books except her hairs gonna have tips that are black

That is all and please remind me if I forgot some of Nyx's children that I have included in the story already (not the ones I've never mentioned)

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