Twenty Four

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Percy Pov:

Three Months later.

After adjusting to actually going to school- 💀

"Hey Bianca how you doing this boring school day?". I asked

"I'm doing fine although you are right and this day is so damn boring" she said

"Anyways do you want me to make something for dinner or should we get like McDonald's?". I asked

"Let's do McDonald's because why not". She said

"Ok and do you wanna invite your friend Rose over?". I questioned

"Sure why not". She said and walked over to her

(Yes rose is another oc I am making and yes she is a demigod)

(Background info Tyson is living with them as he was living in a box and Percy found him)

After going through the most boring classes I decided m non that school is boring and I would much rather be at camp so I'm going to ask Bianca later if she wants to go back to camp because gods school sucks and I feel like we are needed over there.

"Tyson we're having McDonald's tonight so you want me to get you like a hundred happy meals?". I asked

"Yes please". He said

"B, I need to know, do you want to go back to camp because school is boring and I'm pretty sure we are needed back there....." I mumbled

"Finally! A reason to go back". She said

"I'm gonna take that as a yes..." I trailed off

"Anyways we can bring Rose and Tyson since Rose is a demigod and Tyson is a friendly Cyclopes so there's no reason not to bring him" I finished

"Ok!". She said

"Rose, is that ok with you or do you wanna stay here?". I asked

"No it's fine I have always wanted a reason to leave school". She said and skipped away

-After eating McDonald's and about 3 hours later they were packing to go to camp half blood and leave school-

"You guys all good?". I asked

"Yeah" they all said

"Alright I'm just gonna shadow travel us there so just grab my hand and we should end up at the entrance to camp half blood" I said

"Ok" they said

-a few moments later-

We all walked through and what we saw was chaos.

There were two Colchis bulls running around torching some campers and destroying cabins.

I immediately ran to the first one which we are gonna call, idiot number 1 and started slashing at it with no hesitation and after much effort I finally did some damage as the bull was getting slower at its movements but then I realized it was gonna try to set me on fire and at that moment Tyson jumped in and crushed the bull

"Thanks Tyson!". I said before running off to battle the other bull

This one was a bit more difficult as it was really faster and preferred to use its flame throwing mouth more than the other one did so I had to grab a shield to dodge the fire and I finally got it to shut its mouth up by lodging my sword in there and then it started malfunctioning and fell on the ground in a heap of metal

"Well Hephaestus cabin should have a lot more scrap metal to make stuff with" I said and cheers erupted from some Hephaestus kids.

"Wonder how they got through..." I mumbled

"Well Prissy things have changed since you left" a voice familiar said from behind

"So it seems, Clarisse care to inform me, of these said changes?" I asked

"Thalia's tree was poisoned and and border is slowly falling down" she said and walked away

"I knew something was wrong....." I said

"It should be ok as long as we find out how to stop the poison". Bianca said

"Yeah......I'm gonna go see Annabeth...."I said and dissolved into the air

I appeared in the middle of Tartarus and decided to walk around till I remember where to go.

After about 2 hours in Tartarus time I finally found a somewhat familiar being.

"Kellie". I said already annoyed

"Oh heyyy Percy!" She said licking her lips

"Oh stop trying just tell me where my house is" I said

Her eyes went blank as she pointed in the direction and left.

After a bit of walking I finally made it and just walked in dramatically.

"Hello dear family I am here!!". I yelled to particularly no one

I heard a groan in the background.

"Other than my grand entrance where's Annabeth?". I asked

"She went to go and find you..." Thanatos said

"Seriously" I said

"Yes now I suggest go now" he said

I took a deep breathe and dissolved into the mist and appeared back at camp to see an impatient looking Annabeth.

"Sorry sorry sorry anyways Thalia's tree has been poisoned and I believe I know how to fix it" I said

"I also have an idea so let's see if we have the same one". She said

"Golden Fleece". We said

" apparently Chiron is gone since he would have been out here and I just saw a creepy looking guy who looks like he should be in the underworld right now". I said

"That's Tantalus" she said "He's the new activities director" she said mockingly "but all he does is lounge around, boss the campers, and fail to eat his food"

"Oh so the dude who fed the gods his kids?" I asked

"Yep and now he's here because the gods can't trust Chiron because he's related to Kronos" she said

"Well that's stupid" I replied

"Clearly, anyways if he doesn't let us go on a quest I am gonna sneak out anyways" Annabeth said

"Makes sense he seems to hate the campers more then Dionysus" I said

"We should go before someone hears us" said annabeth

"Yeah.." I mumbled and ran back to the cabin

It was partially on fire.

I sighed and summoned some water and threw it on the roof of the cabin before redoing the roof.

"There all done!". I said to no one after an hour

"PERCYYYY!!!". Screamed a running ball of darkness

"Hi Nico!!!" I yelled back

"How was school?". He asked

"Boring I don't think I want to go back and I missed y'all" I responded

"Aww we missed y'all too". He said

I'm serious atm (very rare sighting)

Should I either make Bianca

a Hunter of Artemis.



If it's any of the second/third options y'all can choose who or some random oc I can make because...because

I need to know and although most of yall don't comment I seriously need answers

Percy Jackson - Son of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now