Chapter Six

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I'm just gonna skip till they are both six

-Six Years Later-

Percy Pov:

I was placing machines that me and Eris made because we were getting revenge on Thanatos for deciding to wake me up by throwing me in the River Styx but well now I'm invincible and me and Styx are on good terms so... Pink Thanatos for the next year at least since I found out there's a substance called "Gorilla Glue". Apparently it's really strong so we're gonna dump a bucket of that on him and then set of cannons with pink glitter bombs infused in them.



"What wher-".

He was cut off by glue in his mouth.
And explosions of pink.


"YEA YOU BITCH". I yelled

"LANGUAGE!". Said Mom out of nowhere.

"FINEEEE!". I said annoyed

"Anyways can I start training now!".

"Maybe". Said Mom.

"Pleaseeee". I said

"Ask your father".


"Maybe today he'll say yes".

"OK!". I started running to him



"What Son?".

"Can I PLEASE start training today!".


"REALLY???!!!!!!, YESSSSS!!!!".

"He can train in Tartarus". Said Uncle T

"Alright well Percy please try not to die". Said Dad

"Of course not but can Annabeth come to please".

"Yes but she likes books more so I don't know if she wants to go with you".

"I'll figure it out."

-After Shadow Traveling to Annabeth-


"What do you want idiot?". Said Annabeth


"Bitch slow down". Said Annabeth

"Oh so mom doesn't correct you but when I do it it's a problem".

"Who cares now say it again slower dummy".

"Will.You.Go.Out.With.Me.To.See.Tartarus.With.Me.So.We.Can.Train.". I said



"Yes it's too depressing here and I want to go see the world". She said

"Well technically Tartarus is basically just Hell so you won't really be seeing the world... and it's not depressing that's just Thanatos-".

"SHUT UP PERCY!". Said Thanatos from nowhere.

"NO!". I said

"Anyways let's go".

"Alright but we have to go say goodbye to everyone and say that we'll visit soon or we'll face the wrath of Mom".

Both of us shuddered.
Even though Annabeth isn't technically mom's daughter she still treats her like one Annabeth might even be the favorite.

Anyways I just grabbed her arms and shadow traveled her to where the rest were eating besides Thanatos as he was killing someone somewhere.

"So Dear Siblings we shall be going to Tartarus to train and prepare to go to the mortal realm as we cannot stay in the Mansion of the Night forever

"Awww so I'm gonna lose my prank buddy". Eris said sadly

"Don't worry sister I'll come back to help you spray Thanatos with glitter".

She had an evil glint in her eye

"Oh crap anyways bye you annoying pain in the ass". Said Thanatos as he was walking in

"Whatever dude you're still gonna get pranked". I said and smirked

"Ok but anyways here's a ring that can turn into any weapon for your training and it will always come back to you". Said Thanatos

"Damn you actually got me something how nice". I said

"Yep we all got you and Annie somethin". Said Eris

"Hemera,Aether, and Hypnos got Annabeth something and Me Thanatos and Eris got you something". Said Nemesis

"Oh that's nice of you all". Said Annabeth

Aether said "I got you a dagger that is in the form of air until you call upon it".

"Wow that's cool". She said while taking it out of the air

"I got you a pouch that can pull out Ambrosia when you need it and it makes you look good". Said Hemera

"Actually?". Annabeth said in disbelief that that existed.

"Yep and I got you a bottle of perfume". Said Hypnos

"Why perfume". I asked

"It's not just any perfume, it can put people to sleep or make them smell good it's your choice". "Oh and it can go in the pouch that Hemera gave you". He said

"Wow that's so cool". She said

"My turn". Said Nemesis
"Alright so I got you a pin but this pin can turn into a full suit of armor when you click it twice".

"Wow that should help". I said

"Oh and also you can im giving you the power to sense lies since I am a goddess of Revenge and Judgement so that fits into that category but the price for this is..." She paused, "You shallm lose a friend ". She finished

"Oh..." I said looking sad "I guess that's ok".

"My turn motherbleepers". Said Eris

"Anyways my Favorite Brother I got you a Necklace that
enhances your abilities as I do cause chaos and mayhem so that should be in my ability". She said while grinning.

"That should help a lot" I said matching her grin

"Percy and Annabeth I have found that I now have a new domain".

"What is it". We asked simultaneously

"I am now a MINOR God of Looks".


"I'm gonna make you both look so attractive that if you ask any man or woman anything they should comply even some gods or goddesses but of course you do have control over it so your not always forcing people to do your bidding" He said

"Wow thats so cool I can't wait to try it". Annabeth said.

"Same". I said.

"Anyways off you go". Said mom while trying not to cry.

"Hold up a minute". Said the fates.

"Yea Sisters?". Annabeth said.

"We need to give you a farewell gift as well".

"Oh ok". I said

"You can sense what is about to happen and somewhat be able to alter it to some extent". The one on the left said.

"That's cool". I said.

"Goodbye dear family and we shall return sometime" Annabeth said

"Alright so can we go now?". I asked.

"Yes now come on". Said Uncle T.

He then transported us to the darkest part of Tartarus I assume.

And that's how my training began.

Percy Jackson - Son of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now