Chapter Twenty One

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Felix Pov:

I was looking for Annabeth as I haven't seen her at all since she got back and I just happened to bump into her in my process and she seemed lost in thought.

"Are you alright?". I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine I was looking for you actually". She said

"Me? Why?". I asked

"Because I need to talk to you about stuff" Annabeth responded

"Ok where?". I questioned

"Just come with me"  she said and walked me to an arch in the woods.

"The woods will definitely hide eavesdroppers". I said sarcastically.

"Of course it will because it can be a hideout". She replied.

"It is?". I asked.

"Of course a little bit of mist manipulation and you got a accessible hideout for specific people". Annabeth said.

"That's cool" I said

"Yes anyways welcome to our wonderful hideout". She said dragging me through it.

"Wow this is pretty". I said.

-Time for a Description-

Its the same hideout from earlier I just said the location of it ig anyways it's more of a bunch of trees with imagine white fairy lights hanging from them and a bunch of cushions on the floor to sit on

-End of Description-

"Yeah I guess Percy did a good job in my opinion". She said.

"He made this?". I asked.

"Yeah, He uses magic while I use my brain for these things, I designed it he made it happen. Could probably be better but I was a child" "But at least I'm the smarter twin. She replied. "Your twins??". I exclaimed

"Kinda I was born like a weekish before him so we consider ourselves twins". She said.

"Oh ok anyways what you want to talk about?".

"Well for one I missed you and two Jake from Hermes cabin". She said.

"I missed you to, but what about Jake?". I asked.

"We think he's the spy from Kronos's army and when we came to question him he disappeared and half the camp had no clue who he is so I can't ask them about it". She responded.

"Oh that's....wait Kronos the titan who ate his kids?" I asked

"Yeah he's rising and trying to start a war-"

"Hold up a war!? Why would he do that?" I asked.

"Wow you really are dumb- anyways probably because he wants to rule again and for revenge for getting cut into pieces and banished into Tartarus" she said. "Now let's go before dinner ends or something"

"Right on cue, let's go". I said.

We ran out of the hideout and after a minute of walking back to camp we ran into Jake himself.

"Jake?" I asked.

"Felix" was all he said.

"Why are you doing this?". Annabeth asked.

"Because no one ever cared about me not even the gods and when my mother died Hermes didn't come to pay a visit, and everyone I ever loved has left me in some way but Kronos he says he cares about me but I just have to do him a few favors and I'm perfectly fine with that as long as someone cares" he said.

"Look Jake it seems you are in need of someone to care for you but you don't and Kronos is taking advantage of that it's not too late to stop now". I said.

"It is too late and I'm not planning on switching sides for awhile" he said.

"Enjoy my parting gift and I hope to see you both again soon". He said and started laughing while drawing a portal with his sword.

And then I noticed it.

"A pit scorpion". I said.

"Stand very still" Annabeth said

It still jumped.

I took the sting for Annabeth before she struck it with her dagger.

"Nonono.... Come on we gotta get you to the infirmary oh my gods why are you so heavy". She said.

"Oh right Shadow travel" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

I woke up in the infirmary to a Will Solace attempting to feed me ambrosia. Key word, Attempting.

"Oh your up good now you should eat this more cooperatively". He said.

I groaned "How long was I out doc?". I asked.

"About 2 days pit scorpion venom is pretty lethal your lucky Annabeth got you here in time". He said

"Oh Annabeth! How is she?" I asked.

"Oh she's fine she slept for an hour after but she's doing fine now, a little worried for you but fine" Will said.

"Alright thanks, can I go now?". I said.
"Yeah as long as you make sure your arms alright and not looking weird". He said

"Ok bye!". I said and wandered out.

I was walking and saw an boy from Athena cabin and asked him where Annabeth was.

"She's with her brother" I believe his name was Malcolm said

"Thanks". I said

I walked over to Nyx Cabin and knocked on the door.

A new boy that I believe sits with them at lunch answered the door.

"Hi.....whatever your name is, I'm Nico!". He said.

"Oh I'm Felix Annabeth's Boyfriend!". I said

"Oh she has a boyfriend I had no idea well I'll go get her". Nico said.

Nico came back with a very happy Annabeth.

"What makes you so happy?", I asked

"Nothing your just alright that's why I'm happy". She said.

"Oh ok and what about you?". I questioned.

"I'm fine just a bit drowsy afterwards I'm gonna work on that.." she drifted off.

"Alright anyways did you tell Chiron about what Jake said yesterday?". I asked.

"Yeah I told him so we should be prepared if he comes back for any reason whatsoever". She said.

"Ok that's good". I said and kissed her cheek.

"Well lunch is gonna start soon so let's go!". she said and ran off


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