Chapter Thirty Three

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My eyes widened at the sudden gesture, it was usually me who does this kinda thing, not the other way around.

"Styx what was that for?" I asked. "Nothing, can't I kiss you on random?" She smirked. "Of course" I said.

I was gonna go take Thalia out somewhere for her to get some new outfits, her current one seemed to be getting smaller.

"I'll be back in maybe an hour or so, I need to do a few things of course, you know, helping Thalia readjust and take Reyna to Camp Jupiter" I smiled. "Wanna come?"

"Sure, I need new clothes, orange looks terrible on me" She laughed. "Alright, I'll get Reyna. Then you can get Thalia. And we'll meet up?" I said. "Ok" Zoe said and walked off.

About 5 minutes later we met by the border. "Goodbye my tree" Thalia said, pretending to kiss the tree with a 'mwah' sound. Reyna chuckled. "Ok so, Shopping spree or Camp first?" I asked. The three girls looked at each other before answering: "SHOPPING SPREE!!" Practically squealing.


"This look good?" Thalia asked in her still punk-related outfit. "Good on you" Reyna replied. "What about mine?" Zoe wondered. "Hot" I murmured. "What was that?" She raised an eyebrow. "Nothing it looks great"

"You know, I think I like the idea of jeans" Reyna added. "Better than the clothes Circe made us wear, they were way too soft for me"

"Starbucks?" I asked.

"Of course" Thalia answered.


"Bye Reyna!!" I yelled. "Bye" she said. The slight pang of sadness I felt for her departure increasing. Although we didn't spend much time together, the time was fun. I grabbed the bags and shadow traveled the three of us back to camp.

Seeing Bianca I ran up to her and gave her the bag of stuff I bought for her. "Thanks" she smiled. I kissed her cheek then ran to Hermes cabin.

"What's up?" I asked Luke. "Not much man, mainly catching up with Thalia, She ran to her tree. Something about 'decorating'. But she is still interested in her punk style" He laughed at the last part. "?" I asked. "16 in a few months" He answered. "Ok..." I trailed off. "Yes we can throw a party" He interrupted. "YES!" I screamed running out.

"Weird ass" Some camper said. (*cough* mood *cough*) Not like I cared.


Later the day.

3rd Person:

"Mhm yeah we can go cliff diving-"

"Perseus Jackson..." A raspy voice said entering the hall.

"Shit! Not again" A person screamed.

"One to face the titan of sky.."
"One to think the end is nigh..." 
"One to save goddess in chains..."
"Another to lose in land without rain.." 
"United to leave, actions deciding fate.."
"A child's choice, mustn't hesitate"

(Original Prophecy by yours truly, I came up with it in like 3 seconds it's probably shitty. Much like my update schedule)

"The stupid things called prophecies" Percy groaned. Bianca sighed. Patting his back, "Don't worry Perce, I'm sure it should turn out well.." She offered encouragingly.

"Nothin' else ever does, why should this?" He countered. "Pessimist" She said. Nico, asleep with his head on the table, asked: "I'm tryna nap here, can you quiet down?"
"You shouldn't have stayed up so late and expected to actually wake up this morning" Bianca scolded. "Thanks for the advice, enjoy your lunch" He replied walking off.

"Campers, We must issue a quest, But first we need to give a warm welcome to, The Hunters of Artemis!" Chiron announced. A groan was heard from the majority while a minority, most likely the ares cabin was cheering. "As you all know, we will be having our traditional game of Capture the Flag!". He said.

Stepping forward, a young looking girl from the hunt ent to Zoe and gave her a big hug. "Miss you sister" you could hear her whisper. "Likewise Phoebe, Likewise" she replied.

"Thirty Minutes!" Chiron boomed. "Let's catch up shall we?" Phoebe asked. "Sure" Zoe smiled. They walked off into the woods talking and laughing about random nothings.

"She missed her sisters I guess" Percy said. "Yeah but I'm sure she enjoys her time here as well" Bianca replied. "Sure" He smiled. "You always know how to make a person smile"

"Thanks, don't say it like your actions don't get a laugh out of anyone though" She answered. Raising an eyebrow Percy asked, "What is everything I do stupid?" "Yes" Thalia said walking up towards them. "Ouch Pinecone, that hurt you know?" He said feigning dramatics.

"You'll be fine" She laughed. Swatting Percy on the back of his head. He glared before punching her shoulder playfully.

Bianca, rolling her eyes at their antics, said: "Ok, Capture the Flag battle plans figure out time, y'all need to stop punching each other and actually try or we're gonna lose, nobody ever wins to the hunters or so I am told, I would like to prove this to the camp that we aren't losers and we can beat a few girls with bows"

They looked at each other once she finished her ranting. "Fine" The answered simultaneously.

"Battle plan?" Thalia asked. "Two cabins in trees, Three on offense, Two on defense, Two on Guard" Percy said. "Smart, hunters use the trees anyways, don't need a bunch falling out of them". Bianca replied. "Hephaestus and their traps, Hermes and their tricks" Percy grinned. "What..." Thalia questioned. "We can set traps and Hermes campers can lead the hunters places" Bianca answered.

"Aphrodite cabin besides Silena won't do much anyways let's put them on defense?" Bianca said "Apollo cabin in trees, Ares cabin on offense, Athena on offense, Demeter on defense, Twins of Dionysus on offense, I heard they are great fighters. And the rest can figure it out" Percy said. "Sounds like a great layout, Hopefully everyone complies." Thalia replied. 


"YOU ALL KNOW YOUR PARTS, WE AREN'T TO LOSE TO THE HUNTERS OF ARTEMIS AGAIN, FOR CAMP HALF BLOOD!" Percy announced, his loud voice reaching the other side of the camp, "Oh, we're definitely winning," Phoebe said. "You bet!" Zoe said


And the battle for the flag begins..


Very late chapter y'all's sorry, Most of my exams are done, enjoy this for me. Nothing I write updates fast 💀

Zoe is on hunters team because she was an ex-Hunter and I thought it would be fun!..

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