Chapter Eighteen.

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Once we finally made it out of that terrible place known as the Lotus Casino we had to find the entrance to the Underworld, which wasn't that hard and Bianca and Nico had a pretty good sense of where to go to get there.
We ended up in front of a building called DOA recording studio.

Literally one of the requirements was to be Dead.

Way to give away the underworld hades.

"We're here!". I said not so cheerfully.

We walked in and saw a bunch of ghosts just lingering around.

"Charon how you been?". I asked.

"Perce good to see you!", "and who are these friends?".
He asked.

"Well this is my sister Annabeth as you know then over there's Grover. And behind me are Nico and Bianca di angelo". I said.

"That name sounds familiar.." he mumbled.

"Whatever anyways we gotta go see Hades for a bit then like pop out and go to Olympus". I said.

"Alright but seriously dude I'll let you go for free but like you got any drachma Hades BARELY pays me anything" he said.

"Yah". I said and handed him 20 drachma.

"Thanks Percy". He said.

"You're welcome" Annabeth said.

"Anyways hop on I should have room for the five of you" Charon said.

We got on with much effort and the cost of having Nico sit on my shoulders for the time being.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee" screamed a laughing Nico.

"Percy you good there because you look like you're gonna fall down with how much Nico is swaying side to side". Bianca asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said.

"We're almost there". Charon said.

About 2 minutes later we made it to Hades Castle so perks of being friends with the driver free ride instead of walking through the Sections of the Underworld.

We walked in the door.

Hold is Nico not freaking out..... How is Nico seeing this...

"HOLD UP!". I said.
"You two are not freaking out about this stuff". Annabeth said.

"It feels oddly familiar and welcoming" Bianca said.

"Uhh ok.. moving on from that thought let's just go.." Grover said.

"HADES!!". Annabeth said.

"Visitors?". Was faintly said in the distance.

"Yep that's what we are!", I said.

"Perseus is that you?". He asked.

"I've told you to call me Percy but yes, yes it is" I said.

He walked down the stairs and into the main room.

"Percy, Annabeth, and who are your three friends?". He asked.

"This is Grover"
"Hi" Grover said.

"And this is Nico and Bianca di angelo I believe they are your children" I said.

"Hello nice to meet you sir". Bianca said.
"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". You can guess who said that.

His eyes widened.

"Y-yeah they are my kids you brought them out??". He asked.

"Yeah but why were they in there?"  Annabeth said.

"Well Zeus had just passed the "forbid gods form having contact with their kids" law and then he shot their mother with lightning in an attempt to kill them and she died so she couldn't raise them so I put them somewhere safe" he said.

"Wait so we actually have a Dad??". Bianca asked.

"Yeah that would be me!". Hades said.

I set Nico down so he wouldn't jump off my shoulders.
They both ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Awwww you guys are so cute!!". A voice said from behind.

"Persephone how you been?". I asked.

"I've been alright Perseus and you?". She asked.

"Like I told Hades please call me Percy". I said.

"Ok Perseus". She said.

I groaned in annoyance

"Don't be dramatic anywho new children I am your Stepmother Persephone". She said.

"Nice to meet you!!". Nico said.

"And you as well" Persephone said.

"I am not surprised about the fact that you both are gods and goddesses but why don't I remember you?". Bianca asked.

"Well because I had to wash out some of your memories in the River Lethe to keep you safe". Hades said.

"What is that?". She asked.

"A river in the underworld, it erases memories". I said.

"Alright... Can I meet my mom?". She said.

"Yes she is in Elysium". He said.

"Ok". Bianca said.

"Anyways we think Kronos is rising and Ares does have the Helm of Darkness" Annabeth Said.

"Yeah I saw it on his bike earlier". I said.

"Well that presents a problem..." he said.

"Yeah.........anyways we don't really have a way out of the underworld as we forgot about that on our way in so I need to know if you can grant us a safe passage out of the underworld?". I asked.

"Yes I can give you safe travels but you must promise me you'll keep my children safe from Zeus's wrath". He said.

"Of course we will they are already friends and we would never turn out back on a friend". Annabeth said.

"Alright well just take these pearls it should get you all where you want so yeah and Grover you should take my kids to CHB and Annabeth and Percy should go to Olympus with the bolt". Said Hades

"Alright". Grover replied.

"We can see you both through Iris messages or you all can just visit me sometime without the cost of dying" Persephone said.

"Ok". Bianca and Nico said.

"Well off we go Charon just pulled up!". Annabeth said.

"Bye Great Uncle and Aunt!". Annabeth said.

"Goodbye Children" They both said

"Ok so just step on the pearls and think about where you want to go so as you both have not seen camp half blood just think about the name of the place and you should go" I said.

We used the pearls.

-At the Empire State Building-

"Never been to New York and I have got to say the architecture is amazing". Annabeth said.

"Yeah I agree"  I said.

"We need the 600th floor key please" Annabeth said.

"No such thing kiddos" the front desk guy said.

"Give it" I said.

His eyes went blank and he handed the key.

"W-Wait how did you get that" he said as we walked off.

"Dumbass" Annabeth mumbled.

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