Chapter Sixteen

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Percy Pov:

We were in the Tunnel of Love when the horrid most terrible music started playing and I groaned
(And I will always love you, Celine Dion. Me personally I don't hate the song but it's the first one that came up to mind)

Annabeth laughed at my reaction.

"This song sucks" I said.

"It's not bad but I don't wanna sit here this whole time and have to hear it". She said.

"Yeah so.." I trailed off.

"Shoot all the speakers yes,yes we can". She finished.

"Sorry Hephaestus". We mumbled.

Every speaker was shot with an arrow and we could peacefully sit in silence.

We were nearing the end of the ride when we found the shield.

"Hey is that the shield?" Annabeth asked.

"Looks like it and that seems to be Aphrodite's scarf" I said.

"Eww let's steer clear of that". She said.

"Yeah it probably got some yucky love magic in it". I said.

"Anyways how to get up there and get the shield". I asked.

"Alright I'm going to lift you up on my shoulders and you grab it down ok?". She said.

"Alright". I responded.

She lifted my up and after I grabbed the shield I fell down.

I just had to fall on the damn scarf

Strangely I just saw an image of me surrounded by a bunch of girls like what??

Annabeth grabbed me up before I could see the details of who it was.

"Thank you...." I said dazed.

"Your heavy ass actually fell". She said.

"Yeah whatever". I said.

"What did you see?". She asked

"How did you know I saw something?". I asked nervously.

"Well your not in love with me so it's not that and you seemed dazed so it did something so I assume you saw something". She said.

"Fine I saw an image of me with three girls". I said.

"Ok.. that's weird". She said.

"You go touch it and see what you see". I told her.

"Fine weirdo". She said.

She was blushing when she saw whatever she saw and I shook her out of it.

"Alright so what did you see?". I asked.

"I and Felix uh..very passionately making out.." she drifted off.

"Ewwwww I do NOT need that picture in my head" I said.

"Then you shouldn't have asked Perce" she said.

"Ok anyways we got the shield let's go". I said.


After 15 minutes of looking for the exit.

"FINALLY IM FREEEEEEEE!!!!". I screamed.

Annabeth sighed in annoyance.

"What took you guys so long?". Grover asked.

"Well we couldn't find the exit and this dumbass kept making stupid noises and was just being dumb the whole time and it annoyed the hell out of me". She replied.

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