Chapter Twenty Eight

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Im thinking about not saying much in the middle of stories and such because I feel like it bothers people.
So this will be one of the only random messages you will probably see in the beginning of a chapter. My current update schedule is more or less at least 1 time a week it will probably be like 2 chapters a week but although my procrastinating self doesn't like to write half of the time I will still write for you all! And how did I get rank 1 in pjo as of right now. What other ships should I include with Percy? We already got Zoe, Bianca, and Reyna who else? An Oc? So many questions and so many upcoming chapters but it's like the beginning said this fic will have huge plot changes and such. and if you forgot because my memory is trash sometimes too :/ this is also undergoing editing because where is my less cringey chapters? Oh right gone, so I'm trying to make the chapters less weird..... Thank you for taking the time to read this and on with the actual story now instead of my weird paragraph! And yes this chapter will be long since this paragraph itself is like 250 words.

Bianca Pov:

"Drive, I'm going to drive because I am still practicing with the whole using a sword thing so I don't think it's going to be better with a stick either, and anyways I can pick up skills kinda quickly so I should be able to figure out how to drive a chariot right?" I asked "I guess it's easy yeah since you just got to make sure the horses don't get set free and stuff and just keep them at decent speeds" Percy said

"Thee must not falleth off or else it shalt hurt a great deal" Zoe added. "Yes I agree with whatever Zoe said try not to fall off either" Percy Said

"Well I have an hour to learn how to drive a chariot and I got to make sure I don't fall off" I said

"Alright well maybe Zoe can teach you because she probably knows more about chariots then I do" Percy said "What why me?" Zoe asked "Do you know how to drive a chariot?" I asked. "Well yes but that's not the point of this conversation" She said

I facepalmed.

"Zoe but it is an important detail so can you are can you not help me drive the chariot?" I asked "Yes but only because you asked not because this male asked" she said with distaste.

"Hey! I'm not that bad" Percy said.

I decided to introduce my hand to my face once again as it went to a full out argument about how men were or were not bad.

"All men are pigs!" Zoe said "Not all of them but I agree with you partially because like a quarter of the male population are pigs but once again so are women sometimes" Percy said

"Ok we're gonna stop this argument for now and work on practicing the chariot methods so we can skip chores for a month" I said. "oh right the chariot!" Percy yelled "I'm going to go practice stabbing stuff with a stick now.." his voice faded as he ran to the training room.

"Where's he going?" Zoe asked "training room" I said "since it's less dangerous we just knock each other off the chariots with stick like items so he's going to practice hitting things although it's probably gonna be useless since we're probably gonna lose" I said

"I can help thee win the race if it matter that much to thee" Zoe said  "Thank you" I said

-About 45 minutes after training and 10 minutes before the race-

After figuring out how do drive said chariot I went downstairs and saw Percy poking a moving dummy and said "race is gonna start soon" "Ok!" He said and stopped

We walked out of the cabin and onto the path the Hephaestus kids made using the bronze bulls and saw Zoe already in the stands.

"Dam she must really want to support you" Percy said
"You mean us?" I asked. "Nope she doesn't quite like me that much but I hope that she'll warm up to it" He said.
"I'm sure she will warm up I mean things take awhile" I said

"Yeah maybe....." he trailed off "Racers you know the rules, no killing, and no maiming and other rules I'm too lazy to state" a camper said with a megaphone

And we were off.

After about 4 seconds Demeter and Hermes cabin were out, Apollo and Hephaestus were neck and neck attacking and dodging each other.

Eventually they both knocked themselves out, literally their drivers got hit in the crossfire and the chariots went crashing into each other and off the side. Which left around 6-7 chariots still on the track

Aphrodite Cabin wasn't doing so well as they ended up tripping over a crack or something and flying through the air and into the ground and they got up screaming about makeup and their nails being bent.

Then the screeching came and the campers were getting attacked by metal birds plucking hair and skin off of them.

Percy looked in thought then he said
"I'll be back continue the race!". "What how are you gonna-" I was cut off when he disappeared.

About Ten seconds later he came back with a radio and started blaring music and the birds started screeching again and then flew back to the trees with strands of hair and skin on their claws

We were on our way to the finish line and then Clarisse and Sherman zoomed in front of us and crossed the finish line.

The ares cabin cheered as their cabin kept the record of how many wins Ares had.

Percy Pov:

"And the winner is Ares cabin!" Tantalus said clapping
I looked over at him to see him with a smug grin on his face.

Behind me I saw Hephaestus cabin's horses were malfunctioning, Apollo cabin is stuck in a net made by Hephaestus cabin probably, Dionysus chariot was flipped over and Castor was pulling Pollux from under it. Looked like it was only Nyx and Ares cabin that actually made it to the end, "Well that's just depressing" I said "True" Bianca said

"Let's just go," I said

We walked off the track and then Clarisse walked to us and I rolled my eyes, probably here to gloat.

"Well Prissy it seems you have lost, Like you do at everything," she said laughing.

"Clarisse just go no one one wants to deal with you" Bianca said "Fine I'll stop bothering you for now" she said glaring at Bianca.

We walked over to Zoe who said "Thee did a wonderful job driving the chariot

Guys......this chapter is realllllyyyyyy unfinished.
I don't wanna finish it atm so I'm letting y'all have it.
Enjoy the totally unfinished chapter and mind my terrible Shakespeare for Zoe lol I never read any of his things sorry......

Anywho here's the chapter for stuff and thanks for reading my stuff 😌.

I also have another fic rn it was requested.

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