Chapter Fifteen

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Grover's Pov:

We walked in and saw there was something actually living there.

A woman wearing a veil and making lunch.

"Uh hello ma'am we didn't know anyone was living here sorry for trespassing" Percy said.

"It is ok but you all look hungry would you like something to eat?". The mysterious woman asked.

"No ma'am we have our own snacks". I said.

"But wouldn't you like a home cooked meal?". I'm sure you haven't had one in awhile?". She said.

"Well it would be nice.. can we guys?". I asked.

"Well...I guess we could?". Annabeth said.

"Alright........" said Percy skeptically.

"Medusa can I speak to you in private". Percy said.

"Of course child, wait. What's did you call me?". She asked nervously.

"I called you Medusa". He said.

"Who is Medusa?". She asked.

"The Greek Gorgon who was cursed to turn anyone who looked at her to stone". I said.

"Well I am no Medusa". She said.

"You live in the woods, you have mythological creatures as statues, and you hide behind a veil". I said.

"Very well you wish to die?". She asked sadly.

"No we don't but we can help you". Annabeth said.

"How". She asked excitedly.

"Hecate taught us magic and gave us her blessing so we can undo some curses". Percy answered.

"You think you can undo this?" She said hopefully.

"Yeah they probably can they tend to do the impossible". I said.

"What do you mean by that?". She asked.

"They made Camp Half Blood make a cabin for Nyx".
"And they only accept the Olympians to have cabins." I said.

"Wow also will I be able to keep the Gorgon powers but like when I need them?". Medusa asked.

"Yes and it might hurt a little". Annabeth said.

She frowned at that a bit.

"It's worth it if I can look at people again". She said.

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other and began chanting in a language I don't recognize.

Then Medusa began floating and writhing in pain.

After that it just stopped and the snakes in her hair were gone and she looked how she was probably supposed to before the gorgon transformation but she still had pale skin.

"Thank you!". She said happily.

"Your welcome now can we actually get something to eat?". I asked.

"Yes of course I have plenty of food". She said.

She walked us over to the Dining Room.

There was a huge buffet of food.

"Wow this looks delicious". I said

"Yes I rarely get guests as they always..." she trailed off.

"It's ok you probably didn't mean to". Annabeth said.

"No didn't I only try to give them food and send them on there way but then they find it's me and try to kill me and I don't wanna go to Tartarus". She said.

"I understand but may I ask what will you do now?". I asked.

"Well I presume I'm still immortal so I'm probably going to try and unalive the men who wrong women and the women who wrong men, kinda like the Hunters of Artemis except I'm not sexist". She said.

Percy and Annabeth broke out laughing at this.

"Y-ye-yes th-they are v-very much s-sexist" Percy said while laughing.

They both fell down laughing.

"Moving on from that... That's nice of you but if the Hunters of Artemis come across you what will you do?". I asked.

"Probably join them and try to convince them that not all men are bad". She replied.

"That's a good plan". I said.

"Anyways we must go now because we have a deadline to meet". Annabeth said.

"Alright well hopefully I see you again!". She said.
"And thank you for helping me with my curse".

"No problem bye!". Percy said.

We went out of the woods and saw a biker standing there.

"Hello sir do you need help with anything?". Annabeth asked cautiously.

"Yes actually I do". He said.

"What do you need help with?". I asked.

"Well me and my girlfriend went on a ride at a abandoned place called Waterland and I sorta left my sheild when we got caught". He said

"Can we discuss for helping you?". I said.

"Yeah you get 2 minutes". He said.

"Percy, Grover, I think that's Ares". Annabeth said.

"Why do you think that?". Percy asked.

"Because he gives off an aura of war and he seems pretty aggressive and he said he got caught with his girlfriend which would only happen if he was caught by Hephaestus in one of his Theme Parks". She said.

"Alright but did you see the helmet on his bike". I asked.

"Yeah it gives off a deathly vibe". Percy said.

"Could it be...?". I asked.

"Yeah probably but we can get that later for him" Percy said.

"Alright so it seems he stole the Helm of Darkness and the Master bolt if I am correct". Annabeth questioned.

"Yeah so anything he gives us might be a trap". I said.

"Alright well let's just hope he can get us a ride to LA" Percy said.

"Yeah let's go tell him we'll go do it". I said.

"Ares we'll do it!". Annabeth said.

"Wonderful! He said".

-At waterland-

"This place is depressing". I said.

We walked in the entrance and found the supposed ride that might have the shield in it as it was glowing pink and called "The Tunnel of Love".

"I think it's in that one". I pointed to it.

"Yeah probably". Annabeth said.

"Me and Annabeth will go in and Grover you stay out to keep watch ok?". Percy said.

"Alright I'll scream if I see something?". I asked

"Yeah and hopefully we find it otherwise we might not get a ride". Annabeth said.

"Ok see you when you get out".

Another question because why not.

What is y'all's favorite PJO/HoO/TOA/KC/MC character?

Anyways I'm gonna say right now mine is probably Reyna at the moment.

Have a nice life.

Percy Jackson - Son of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now