Chapter Ten

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The Adventure to Long Island begins.

Luke Pov:

It's only been a few days and I'm already loving Percy and Annabeth of course Thalia hasn't completely warmed up to them but that isn't the point.

But we somehow ended up in a cave.

We all decided to just stay here for the night as to not travel when monsters roamed the most although Annabeth and Percy insisted we would be fine we were all tired and wanted to rest.

Percy never actually told us who his mother was but that can come later right now we have to decide who is taking first watch as Thalia and Percy continuously kept volunteering and I was literally gonna scream at them to shut the hell up as I want to fucking sleep but then Percy said "I only need 1 hour of sleep and I'm a good fighter I'm gonna take first watch!". And Thalia reluctantly agreed as she had no better comeback.

"Alright now let us sleep bro". I said.

"Good I'll wake you up in 3 hours Thalia alright?". Asked Percy.

"Yes I guess". Thalia said.

"Just shut up you three!". Annabeth said exhausted.

"Goodnight too sister!". Percy said.

                                      3 hours later|*____________________________________*|

Thalia's Pov:

I woke up around 3 hours later to Percy shaking me.

"You wanted next shift so here you go!". He said.

"Alright well enjoy your sleep". I said.

"Cool wake me up in 2 hours as we should be able to go soon but you should sleep another hour after you wake me up just for more energy to be more prepared is anything happens". Percy said.

"That makes sense also what state are we in right now?".  I asked.

"Uh well I think we are somewhere in Kentucky?". He said.

"Ok well go to sleep now". I said.

There was only a few hellhounds that were there and I took them down easily as Percy and Annabeth were helping train us in our adventure to Long Island.

-2 hours later-

Percy woke up sweating and with a startled expression.

"What's wrong?". I asked him.

"Nothing just nightmares". He said.

"Oh those happen a lot better get used to those". I responded.

"Oh well anyways my turn and I'll wake all of you up in an hour". Said Percy.

3rd person pov: (never done this before)

Percy woke them all up and said that they should go before they attract even more monsters as he had to kill a few empousa and more hellhounds when we were sleeping.

They were continuing their journey when they stumbled across a saytr.

They asked the names and the saytr said "Grover Underwood

They continued their journey with the help of the saytr.

It turned out both of them came from camp half blood looking to find demigods but they also seemed to know the way there so the demigods and demiprimordial followed them to camp.

They stumbled across a Cyclopes that trapped them somewhere and tied some of them up.

They broke free with Annabeth stabbing the Cyclopes in the foot but now they had to run all the way to camp because the Cyclopes and its friends were chasing them.

They got to the camp but there wasn't anything to stop the Cyclopes from going in.

Thalia decided to sacrifice herself to keep the demigods safe.

In her dying form Luke,Annabeth,and Percy were all crying as Zeus made her dying form into a tree.

Yes into a tree.
If Thalia was alive I somehow see her beating the hell out of Zeus for making her a TREE!

Her tree provided a border for the camps boundaries so no human or monster could get in without the permission of someone on the inside.


Percy Pov: 1 YEAR LATERR

We all found a coping mechanism for Thalias "death" and mine was making my own cabin.

Annabeth disapproved but that is not the point.

Luke...his coping mechanism was probably the strangest in my opinion.

He came out.

As Gay.

(My friend made meeeee don't hate meeee)

He has a boyfriend now

His boyfriend is the only thing keeping him from dying
As well as me and Annabeth of course.

He also got therapy that was much needed.

Annabeth's coping way was making many plans an researching on "how to bring people from the dead".

It was unsuccessful.

I am now somewhat respected as I am a son of Nyx and people are terrified of her but I also haven't done anything for the respect and glory it gives you so.

Also Me, Annabeth, and Luke formed a sibling bond so...

Argh stupid ADHD brain going off track....Pancakes mom makes good pancakes.... Percy stop going off track.

"I feel like there is going to be something important going on today". I said to Luke and Annabeth.

Also Luke and I are some of the best swordsmen of camp.

"Why would something big happen?". Asked Luke.

"My very stupid honorary brother.... Who knows maybe we're gonna do something for once". Said Annabeth.

"Offensive but wHaTeVa your not wrong we never do anything fun here!". Luke said.

"Also isn't today capture the flag?". I asked Annabeth.

"Yeah actually it is so what are we gonna do to take out red team?".   

(Using my DEFINITELY great at remembering stuff  brain to guess the teams my head is screaming RED TEAM!).


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