Chapter Thirty Two

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I have to admit, that was forward. I like it. But doesn't he already have 2 girlfriends? Wouldn't that be cheating..? Should I tell them. Decided against it

Nico apparently saw my inner debate and said: "Apparently fate has put him on the string of being able to love multiple people, He has 2 lovers already and apparently he gains more. Ones my sister and one's an ex Hunter, strange combination but love works in mysterious ways".

"You seem troubled what seems to be the problem?" I asked. He skillfully avoided that and with a smile said "Your probably the next one he gets, Hope your happy to share". And then he walked out of the cabin leaving me standing there confused and a sleeping Percy in the other room.

I wandered around the cabin and noticed stairs that led downstairs. "Cabin goes underground too?" I asked myself. First thing I saw was a kitchen like area and thought "Don't they have a place where they get food anyways" before going to the next floor below.

It was a training room that seemed to endlessly go on, it probably could with the amount of space below the surface has. I decided I needed practice and picked up a set of daggers and started throwing.

I guess I was practicing for a while as I didn't notice Percy coming up until I heard steps and threw the dagger.

He caught it and winced upon contact as it sliced a cut on his hand. The dagger clattered to the floor. "Oh my gods so sorry didn't see you there" I exclaimed. He laughed at my expression "Not a problem it should heal pretty fast anyways I can just bandage it, not a big deal" "You sure?" I asked

"Yeah I'll just get the bandages from one of the kitchen cabinets and such". He said walking upstairs. I trailed behind to go help him out.

He opened the cabinet and pulled out a small drawer with bandaids and medicine things in it.

I wrapped the bandage around his hand and tied it slightly before blushing at our close proximity.

Yes, I'm moving forward on relationship number 3 already. As I'm writing it the awkward tension between them is killing me slowly~

He raised an eyebrow "You good?" "Yeah, I'm great"
I wasn't great. I was developing a crush and I didn't like it. I internally shook my head at my ranting.

After an awkward silence, I spoke up "W-well I'm gonna go get something to eat, sorry for the cut" Percy began to say "But we're in a kit-" but I was already up the stairs.

After a minute of thinking I walked out of the cabin and walked into Bianca, we ended up falling and almost hit the ground before we got yanked upright by none other than Percy himself.

"Thanks" Bianca mumbled in a daze. "Mhm" I agreed.
"So Bianca how was your 'nap' or whatever?" Percy asked "Yeah, Fine. All energized and ready for whatever depressing day the world shall come to" she replied. I laughed at that then Percy adding, "Welcome to the real world, dark and depressing" "Y'all are such pessimists" I said. 

"Was noticed awhile ago" He replied.

"Anyways, Dinner will be in a bit. Then after that lights out" Bianca said.

I looked outside to see a crowd running towards the border and stopped a kid and asked "What's the commotion?"

"I don't know, something's going on with the tree" She replied before running back.

"Check it out?" Percy asked "Obviously" Bianca murmured. We walked to the borders then moved to the front of the crowd and Percy asked a blonde with blue eyes. "Luke what's going on?" He answered with "So the tree is healing, But a little too well"

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