Chapter Twenty

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Annabeth's Pov:

"WHATEVER YOU KNOW ITS TRUE EVEN ATHENA DOES" Percy yelled at the angry sky.

I mumbled a yeah in agreement.

"Alright Percy that's enough bruising Zeus's ego for the day let's just hope he claims them soon and eat out lunch" I said.

"Fine fine fine but I hope you know you are stupid Zeus" he said glaring at the sky.

Drawback on when Percy started hating on Zeus was when he found out that he tried to kill Bianca and Nico as a child and ended up killing Maria di Angelo and decided to hate on him ever sense.

I rolled my eyes "Percy just eat your food".

"Wow how did your food just pop up on the plate?". Nico asked.

"Just think about what you want to eat and drink and it shall appear". I said

"Oooooh!!" Nico exclaimed.

Obviously Percy started to eat his blue cookies and blue come and blue everything ever since dad made him blue stuff.

"Why is your food blue?". Bianca asked Percy

"Blue food just tastes better". Percy said.

"If you try to disagree it's gonna be a whole argument I would rather not hear". I said.

"Alright one thing not to argue with Percy about". Bianca responded.

Just then a small skeleton cat came walking up to me and dropped a piece of paper and it said "I'm gonna claim them now keep Zeus's bolts off please" I showed it to Percy.

Percy mumbled a shield incantation and said "alright do it".

Then a three headed dog hologram appeared over their heads.

As if on cue a lightning bolt came from the sky and hit the shield.


The sky just rumbled then Chiron walked over to us.

"Oh shut up Zeus no one cares". I said.

"If I believe so that is the symbol of Hades?". Chiron asked.

"Yes it very well is do you have a problem with it?". Percy asked.

"No I was just curious the gods made a pact not to sire any children and I'm curious was it Hades who broke it?". Chiron replied.

"Technically he never broke it as they were alive before the pact and two do you not Remember Thalia?". I asked

"I could never forget Thalia, Annabeth". Chiron said sadly.

"But was it the lotus casino?". He asked.

"Yes it was" Bianca said.

"Alright well I must go and be warned Zeus does not take fond of Hades children or Poseidon for that matter" Chiron responded.

"We understand thank you". Bianca said.

He walked away.

"Anyways since Lunch is basically over let's just go to the cabin to get y'all settled in and away from possible falling lightning bolts" I said.

"Alright!". Nico said.

"Bye Hestia!". Percy said.

"Bye Perseus". Hestia said.

"Told you to call me Percy..." he mumbled

"She's never gonna listen brother let's just go". I said.

" day you will call me Percy I will make sure of it". He said.

"Percy we need to show them the cabins before they wander off somewhere". I said.

"Alright I'm coming". Percy said.

After about 2 minutes we found that they were at the volleyball court just watching the current game.

"Bianca, Nico, we're gonna show your the cabin you will be staying in and trust me it's much better than Hermes and you actually get a bed". I said.

"Wait so we don't have to sleep on the floor?!". Nico asked.

"Nope we got plenty of beds and space for stuff". Percy said.

"Awesome, wait so I can store my Mythomagic cards in peace without them being stolen??". Nico said.

"Yeah...what's mythomagic?". I asked.

Nico's eyes lit up as he went on about rambling about it
"Oh it's this game about mythology and Zeus has like lightning bolts that do 600 attack damage and-" Bianca cut him off.

"Yes Nico we can talk about this another time for now let's go see the cabin". She said.

We walked to the cabin which was pretty much in the middle of the U shape of the 12 other cabins and it was by far the biggest and that's just the outside I helped Percy build it and it's enchanted to be bigger on the inside than the outside is.

"Woah it's so big". Bianca said.

"Yeah we might have exaggerated in the size to piss off zeus with his whole "I'm the king of the gods I must have everything the best" attitude". Percy said.

"We definitely exaggerated but anyways this can also be home to the children of the minor gods and goddesses". I said.

"But there's only 15 bunks?". Bianca said.

"Well we have a few floors and some go underground so we can always make more room". Percy stated.

"Can we see?" Nico asked

"Of course one is a kitchen for midnight snacks and one is more of a gaming room," I said

"Ooooh that's sounds so cool!". Nico said

"Yeah I guess it is we never really use it". Percy replied.

"Well anyways y'all can pick a bed and just set your stuff in the drawers next to it". I said.

"Ok thanks for letting us stay here!". Bianca said.

"No problem it's usually empty as Percy is really the only one who stays here occasionally me too". I said

"Which cabin do you stay in?". Nico asked

"Athena" I said.

"Anyways basically I choose the activities that we'll be doing which you both can give suggestions on the activities but it will probably revolve around swords and weapons rather than the normal camp activities". Percy said.

"I get a sword?". Nico asked.

"Eventually". I said.

"That's cool". Bianca said.

"Im gonna go look for Jake the thief" I said

(To be clear not Jake mason and anyways he's from cabin 9 )

"Alright" Percy said.

I walked around the camp and couldn't find Jake- whatever his last name is.

No clue who he is really but all I know is his name is Jake and he's a child of Hermes.

After an Hour of asking around I found out this dude was pretty invisible and almost nobody at camp knew him besides a few friends and the other kids of Hermes.

I went back to Percy's cabin and told him that I couldn't find him anywhere.

I checked the whole camp and asked everyone about him and nobody said that he was there and half of the camp had no clue who he was"

"That is probably why he joined Kronos..." Percy mumbled

"Maybe I'm gonna go find Felix and ask him about it" I said.

"Alright see you at dinner". Percy said and went back to sleep.

I walked to Ares cabin lost in thought and I must not have been paying attention as I walked into Felix.

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