Twenty Six

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"I....Like you..." she said

"Well I know that I'm a very likable person" I said

" like you...."

Then it finally registered.


She facepalmed "What are you gonna do about it"

"O-oh right...." I trailed off

Her face saddened

"N-No Bianca d like you as well!" I stuttered out

"Really?" Her face lit up

"Yeah I have for awhile......."

"Oh! So doesn't that make us dating?" She asked shyly

"Yeah I guess so". I said

"Cool" she said

We went back to looking at the stars and just laid down on the soft sand holding hands and staring at the stars

We ended up falling asleep and thankfully the harpies didn't find us and we got back to the cabin before Nico woke up.

-5:00 A.M.-

We got back quietly laughing and shushing each other and once we walked in we just went upstairs to the living room and slept on the couch.

-6:00 A.M.-

"Why are you both sleeping next to each other?" Nico asked

"Shit" I mumbled

"Well Nico we are"

"Vi state davvero uscendo?" Nico asked

""Sì, stiamo uscendo, per favore non arrabbiarti con lui per questo"" Bianca said

"Uhhh what?" I asked

"Non sono arrabbiato per questo, sono contento che tu abbia trovato un ragazzo che ti tratterà bene" Nico said

"Ringrazie gli dei in entrambi i casi dovremmo dirgli di cosa stiamo parlando?" Bianca asked

"No comunque ti auguro buona fortuna nella tua vita amorosa" said Nico

Google translate is helpful sometimes

"Are you guys really dating?" Nico asked

"Yes, we're dating, please don't get mad at him about it"

"I'm not mad about it I'm glad you found a guy who will treat you right" Nico said

"Thank the gods either way should we tell him what we're talking about?" Bianca asked

"No anyway I wish you good luck in your love life" Nico said

If you are fluent in Italian please let me know if this is wrong but I would picture them speaking in Italian for important matters and this can be considered important to a brother I also know some of the language Italian I'm not fluent though.

"Nothing anyways let's go to breakfast". Bianca said

"Ok..." I said

Once we got to lunch Silena Beauregard walked up to us and said, "EEEEEEEK I SMELL LOVE!!" And I blushed so hard

If it was even possibly Bianca blushed even more than me.

"Oh my gods Silena stop" I said

"Nope" she said

"I'll tell Beckendorf you like him" I said

"Fine, Fine Fine I'll stop" she said and walked away.

I draped my arm around Bianca's shoulder and we ate breakfast without any major interruptions just a few of the new campers asking for training and a few people I didn't see yesterday coming over to say welcome back.

"Anyways Bianca, since you don't really know the camp that much anymore do you want another tour?" I asked

"Obviously I don't wanna spend like 20 minutes wandering to nowhere because I can't remember where the volleyball court is". She said

I don't really wanna write abt the whole camp....
Js picture the tour happening with the occasional cheesy jokes and stuff

"So yeah that's the order of cabins and the entire camp so try not to forget or if you want to go anywhere just remember the place and try shadow traveling" I said

"Oh right.. forgot I could do that". She said

"Me too sometimes but at least I don't get super lost" I said

"Well thanks for the tour Percy and I'm gonna go practice archery I'll see you later" She said smiling and kissed my cheek

"Bye!" I smiled and felt where she kissed me

I was just walking past the big house when my totally new favorite activities director Tantalus called me over

I stopped walking and sighed as I walked over to him.
"And what do we have here Mr. Percy Jackson" he said eyebrow raising.

"Well we have a director who looks insane and murder crazed and a god who acts like a pig and doesn't do his job" I snapped

"Now now, there's no need to start a fight I just called you over just to get a good look at you" he said with a weird look in his eyes

"Ok......I'm just gonna go before you try something weird" I said

I shadow traveled halfway across camp.

"Tantalus is weird......" I mumbled

"No shit Prissy" clarisse said from behind.

"Oh Clarisse how nice to see you". I said sarcastically

"Must be nice being the camp favorite and all" she said twirling a spear

"Yes....I suppose it can be a little bit overwhelming sometimes but nothing I'm not use too" I said suspicion creeping in

"Well I was hoping we could spar as I need more training and you seem to be the only person able to beat me". She said

"Oh so that's why you're over here". I said

"Obviously who would come to talk to you for fun?" She asked

"People who actually care for their family" I said

Her face morphed to one of distaste and she said "Whatever let's just start, loser has to do what the winner asks"

After about a minute I disarmed her and knocked her in the ground.

"You fight well but you might not wanna let your anger get the best of you" I advised

"Whatever either way I still lasted longer than most of the campers" she said

"Sure....tell yourself that all you want" I mumbled

"What do you want me to do?" She asked begrudgingly.

"If you ever get a quest in one of your quest members" I said

"Fine" she said "this is a one time thing and we don't mention it after"

"Obviously I don't wanna interact with you more than I already have to do" I said

Guys I'm sorry if this is a shitty chapter I actually drugged myself to sleep (took several sleeping pills nothing like actual drugs) because I need sleep and I'm not helping myself in reality ^_^ anyways sorry if my grammar sucks and my plot has low level insults I'm currently drugged and relying on autocorrect atp and it's not helpful on a daily basis why would it help now.


Love ur fav annoying bitch


Percy Jackson - Son of NyxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora